Her dark curls were pulled to the side so that most of them cascaded around her face and neck. If I wasn't sure that Wynn belonged to me, I'd be worried for our relationship. Instead, I was more worried about the way she was looking at me.

"Good evening, Theresa." I pasted on a pleasant smile. Maybe if I was nice to her, she would go away. "You look lovely. I love your dress."

Theresa arched a brow and sipped from her glass. The blood that lined the rim from where she drank made me queasy. "Really? I was rather more taken with yours. So, much color. It makes me..." Her eyes moved over my red dress and she sighed before smiling. "Hungry."

"Oh?" I glanced down at it, chuckling nervously. "The masters picked it out. I didn't think much about the color at the time. It's a bit much for what I'm used to."

Nodding in understanding, Theresa pouted her lips. "Of course not. A little peasant human like you wouldn't know the finer things in life if it bit them in their little ass. But boys sure do like to dress up their toys." She reached out and played with the lace of my sleeve. "And that's all you are, you know? A toy for them to play with and discard whenever they please."

I swallowed and lifted my chin. "I'm bound to Antoine now. It'd be a bit hard to get rid of me."

Giving a throaty laugh, Theresa gave me a pitying look as her hand wrapped around my forearm. "Oh, you poor dear. Bindings can be broken when enough pressure is applied."

I gasped as her hand squeezed my arm until I cried out. I tried to pull away, and my knees crumbed beneath me as she continued to squeeze. A sharp, agonizing pain followed by a snapping of bones had the edges of my vision darkening.

"Poor humans, so fragile. So easily broken." Her smug, smiling face was the last thing I saw before my eyes closed. "Nighty, nighty, Piper Billings."