Chapter 20


They thought they were being sneaky, those silly vampires, but they weren't being sneaky at all. I knew what they were doing. They were trying to distract me.

It wasn't going to work.

Drake spun me around the floor and then dipped me. Okay, so it was working a little bit. Still, I wasn't stupid. I could see the way they were making eyes at each other and whispering. I might not be able to hear them, but I knew someone with a secret when I saw them.

Plus, there was the way Wynn and Rayne were acting earlier. Men didn't get all lovey-dovey like that unless they were planning on doing something that was going to get them in trouble. Since the only thing they could be planning was killing Valentine, I was beyond pissed.

"I know what you're doing," I murmured to Drake, as he pulled me close for a slow dance.

"Oh yeah?" Drake arched a brow, squeezing his arms around me a bit tighter. "‘Cause I thought I was dancing with the hottest woman in the room."

I rolled my eyes, but grinned nonetheless. "Yes, but I know why you're dancing with me."

"Again..." His eyes slid up and down my red dress, desire clear in his gaze. "Not a mystery there."

I shook my head and smacked his chest. "No, and stop trying to distract me." Clearing my throat and getting serious, I glanced over to where the others stood off to the side. "You guys are planning something and don't want me in it."

Drake stiffened slightly, but then gave me a lopsided grin. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do." I gritted my teeth, and then jerked my head toward where Wynn and Antoine had reappeared. No one else might have noticed them disappearing out the terrace door just moments after Valentine, but I sure as hell did. Plus, their clothes were wrinkled. "You aren't as smooth as you guys think you are, and I'm frankly a bit hurt you wouldn't include me."

"Piper," Drake warned, shaking his head. "This isn't the place. We'll talk about it later."

Getting irritated, I pushed away from Drake. "It's always later and then later never comes. I'm tired of being treated like this." I walked away from the dance floor and toward the exit.

Stomping into the hallway, I bypassed several vampires that gave me more than a curious look. It made me slow and rethink leaving the party. Unfortunately, that gave Drake time to catch up with me. "Like what?" Drake asked, grabbing my hand. "What have we been doing that's so bad?"

I snatched my hand back and growled, "Like I'm just the help."

Just as Rayne and Allister came out of the ballroom as well, Drake stated, "You are the help."

I gaped at Drake and huffed. "Well, you pay me to clean your house. Not to fuck you, so the lot of you can go hop on a stake and be done with it."

Spinning on my heel, I marched away from them and turned a corner. Knowing it was stupid to run around a mansion full of vampires, I stopped there and listened.

Someone smacked Drake, who cried out in annoyance, and then Allister snarled, "Way to go, dumbass. I don't know how you ever get laid."

"Shouldn't we go after her?" Rayne inquired, making my heart swell. I tried to keep my thoughts clear, not wanting him to know where I was. It was bad enough he read them on accident, I didn't need him reading them when I was trying to make a statement.

It was ridiculous really. I was a grown woman and yes, they paid me to clean their house, but they didn't pay me to like them or have sex with them. And okay, so I wasn't having sex with Drake, but the point still applied. I might, probably, eventually, sleep with Drake, so if that was going to happen, then he had to treat me with the respect I deserved and not like someone he could just use and keep in the dark. Especially when it came to getting retribution for myself.

"Nah, she'll be alright," Drake answered Rayne, pulling my interest. "Everyone's inside the ballroom and besides, Valentine's not going to be a problem anymore. Not for anyone."

What? Did they already do it? Was Valentine gone? A part of me was sick and elated at the same time. Sick because that meant they had killed him, and elated because, well, he was dead. He'd never terrorize me or anyone else ever again. I didn't think I would ever be so happy to hear about someone's death in my life.

Grinning from ear to ear, I stepped out from the corner intent on confronting the guys again, but they were gone. Figuring they probably went back inside the ballroom, I started back toward the doors but then stopped. Did I really want to go back in there? Could I pretend I didn't know anything? That Valentine was still going to show up at any moment? And what if there was another mind reader like Rayne in there?

No, I didn't think I could do it. This was one of the most liberating moments of my life. I couldn't keep it inside.

Pulling my lower lip into my mouth, I spun around and headed toward the kitchen. I'd surprise Antoine in his room. I was sure it was him and Wynn who had done the deed. I didn't think they liked each other enough to celebrate together, so I'd thank Antoine first, and then find Wynn and thank him. But first, I needed champagne. This was a night to rejoice and I planned on getting completely intoxicated while doing it.

Holding up my skirts, I walked through the halls and kept my eyes forward as I passed other vampires. I hoped that if they saw the bite on my neck and I didn't engage them, they'd leave me alone. Valentine hadn't been that interested in me until the others showed they were protective of me. I assumed that had more to do with their previous issues than me. I wasn't that hot of a commodity. I was sure over the years they had more than their fair share of women. I was a dime a dozen in the grand scheme of things.

"Well, aren't you precious," someone purred, before a hand grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around. Theresa stood behind me with a glass of what I assumed was blood in one hand. She had chosen another slinky gown that clung to her figure and made her boobs look great. I wasn't jealous at all. Do I sound jealous? ‘Cause I'm not.