Chapter 19


When we lived here before, I hated these parties. Now that I didn’t live here, I loathed them.

I wanted nothing more than to go home and return to my normal routine. I couldn’t believe I was thinking this, but I’d rather be doing paperwork. God, I was in vampire hell.

Our master always had a thing for elaborate gestures that made a statement, and usually those statements were, ‘look how much money I have,’ or ‘look how important I am.’ Look at my large, custom-made ballroom with its glass chandeliers and hand-painted ceilings of naked babies. There should be a law against vampires having innocent little babies naked on their ceilings. They were angels, which only made it worse.

“Why the sour puss, Antoine?" My master stepped up beside me, dressed in one of his extravagant suits—purple and blue everywhere. I was lucky he wasn't wearing a top hat. Oh, wait, there it was. Setting his hat on his head, my master flashed me a fanged grin. "It's a party. You should be having fun. I see your lovely lady is."

My eyes followed his to where Piper was dancing with the twins. They were taking turns spinning her around the dance floor, causing Piper to giggle and hold her head when she got dizzy. I was happy she was able to have some fun tonight. I only wished it were under different circumstances. Perhaps, I'd have to have more parties at home. I loved to see her smile that way and my chest was pulsating with the emotions coming from her.

"Yes, well, I'm just a bit peckish is all," I drawled, keeping my eyes on Piper and my brothers. I discreetly also kept an eye on the vampires around the room. Many of them I had lived here in the mansion with for centuries. Rarely did a vampire leave this house would without their souls ripped to shreds like Valentine, and now, they were watching Piper like she was the hot new item on the menu.

"Well..." My master clapped me on the shoulder and steered me away from the dance floor. "Why don't you come over here and taste some of the fine options we have for this evening." I forced back a grimace as he ushered me over to the buffet table. In various stages of undress, the 'donors'—which were more often than not just charmed—sat along the edge of the buffet table. Many of them had bites lining their necks and arms, since most of the vampires here were too selfish and inconsiderate to heal them before leaving them.

"Here you are, take your pick." My master swept his hand down the line and then pointed at a young gentleman who was barely eighteen. "You must try this one. It's delicious."

The way he talked about humans like they were only food and not intelligent beings sickened me. It made me wonder how I ever thought this man could be a safe haven for anyone. I should never have brought Piper here.

To the right of me, a long blonde-haired woman with soft brown eyes cried out. A vampire knelt between her thighs, taking blood from the femoral artery. The woman let out a small whimper before collapsing on the table, her eyes wide and empty. The familiar, strawberry blond head stood up from the ground, licking his lips.

Turning to me, he gave me a wolfish grin. "Well, I guess she's done. I didn't mean to drain her dry but..." He trailed off, his eyes sliding toward Piper on the dance floor. "She was just so damn good."

My fingers curled into tight fists and I couldn't help myself from taking a step toward him. Valentine grinned as if begging me to come at him.

Our master stepped between us with a chuckle. "Now, now, boys. This is a party, no fighting. And Valentine..." He tut-tutted, patting him on the chest. "Bad form. Save some for the rest of us."

"My apologies, master." Valentine bowed slightly to him, before lifting his gaze to me and smirking. "I'll be sure to share in the future."

"That's my boy, now go have some fun." Our master chuckled and then shifted to me. "I'm going to see if I can get a bit more out of that one over there, but feel free to taste any of them, just don't get too carried away. Disposing of bodies in the modern age is a pain in the ass." He winked and chuckled before walking back toward the young man.

I glanced down the line of donors and my appetite disappeared. How was I ever like this? Was I just a completely deranged animal?

A large shadow fell over me and without looking, I asked, "Are we prepared?"

"Everything is ready," Marcus answered, not bothering to lower his voice. In a room full of vampires, it was hard to keep a secret. We'd perfected the art of speaking in code. We had to in this house or we wouldn't have survived.

"Very well, and does she suspect?" I turned to face the dance floor once more, where Piper slow danced with Wynn. I had hoped to get a dance in with her myself, but it would have to wait until after. There was too much at stake tonight. Personal needs would be put on the back burner.

"Not that I'm aware."

"Rayne," I said in a normal tone, gaining the youngest member of my household's attention from across the room. In a moments time, he appeared next to me.Does Piper suspect anything? I don't want her involved in this.

Rayne stared at the lovely blonde for a moment, and then replied, "She knows something is going on but not what. Though, I'm sure she has guessed that as well. Our girl isn't dumb."

"No," I murmured, taking a glass of warmed blood off a passing tray. "She's not." I drained the glass. I would need all my strength for this, and I didn't want to give Valentine the upper hand by starving myself to save my own morals.

We watched Piper dance sin silence. This would be a big night for us all. If things go wrong...Get Piper and the others out of here if something happens. Do you understand me, Rayne?

Rayne nodded. "Of course. I won't fail you." He paused, and stared hard at the dance floor. "I won't fail her."

I know you won't.My eyes found Valentine in the crowd. He chitchatted with a few of the local vampires who had shown up to play, before making his way to the terrace. Valentine had one weakness, one thing that still kept him human.


It was a habit he picked up in life and had carried over into his undeath. He was addicted to it. Like clockwork, he would go out to smoke every two hours regardless of what he was doing. He’d tried to smoke inside, but our master hated the smell and insisted he go outside. We planned on using that weakness against him.