Chapter 2


The moment our master left the room, Theresa's eyes were locked on me like a huntress finally finding her prey, as she sashayed in my direction. God, you'd think the woman would take a hint.

"Wynn," she purred, her hands coming up to my chest as she pouted her lips at me. "I'm so happy to see you back in our glorious home." I rolled my eyes over her shoulder at Drake, who only smirked at me before shaking his head and heading upstairs. His counterpart followed after him, taking the stairs two at a time. Antoine's phone rang and he answered it, speaking in French as he made his way into the den rather than upstairs. Rayne was the only one left behind with me, but one look in his direction told me he wasn't going to be any help. His eyes were focused on where Piper had disappeared with our master, and he had no time for me and my problems.

It didn't keep me from trying though.A little help here.

Rayne's gaze reluctantly turned from the hallway to me. He scanned over Theresa, who was now plastered all over my front, and arched a brow. With a smirk and a chuckle, he headed for the stairs, shaking his head the whole way up.

Fucking twat. I shoved the thought in his direction, gaining me an even louder laugh from him. Holding back a scowl and a sigh, I redirected my attention to the woman in my arms. The crazy woman with a tendency to lash out at anyone who stood in her way. Thankfully, since our master had taken Piper, she was well and out of her mind. For now, at least.

"Come now, Wynn." Theresa pouted, pulling the clip out of her hair so the long, curly tresses fell around her shoulders like a waterfall. She sure knew how to work her assets. "Don't pretend like you didn't miss me even a little bit. Don't we have fun together?"

I lifted my eyes to the ceiling and drew my arm around her waist. "Theresa, lovely, you are a gorgeous woman, but you know I'm a free spirit. I won't be—"

"Bound to one woman. I know. I know." Theresa sighed and then rolled her eyes with a giggle. "I'm not proposing marriage. I just want to reminisce. You know, about the good old days?" Her hand trailed down my silk shirt and played along the line of my pants before cupping me in her hand. I grunted and let her fondle me for a moment, though I'd rather have anyone else's hands on me than the viper holding my family jewels.

"Theresa," I started, trying again and pushing her hand away. "We're in the foyer."

Theresa gave me a sly smile. "That's never stopped you before."

Completely dropping my arm away from her and stepping back, I tucked my hands into my pockets and frowned at her. "That was before. When I had to do as our master bid. As you do."

She scoffed and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Don't act like you were forced, Wynn. You enjoyed all the women and men our master provided you."

I gave her a small push as I stepped back. "That was then."

Theresa gave me an amused smirk. "And you've changed? Since when? I remember not too long ago," she moved in closer once more and walked her fingers up my chest, "when you were more than happy to spend some time with me."

I gave her a lopsided grin but then moved out of her reach once more. "Things are different now." I couldn't help but let my eyes stray to where Piper had disappeared. Theresa noticed.

"Because of her? The human?" She barked a laugh but when I didn't laugh with her, she dropped her hands and frowned. "You can't be serious? She's human and Antoine's servant. She doesn't even belong to you."

I shrugged a shoulder. "That's my problem. Not yours."

For a second, something flashed behind her eyes. Worry. Fear. But it was gone in an instant and a seductive smile spread across her ruby red lips once more. With a secretive look around, she pressed her chest against mine, her mouth touching my ear. To any passing human, it would look like she was whispering naughty secrets into my ear, but a vampire would know the truth. What she really said was, "Come with me, you're all in danger."

A smarter man wouldn't have allowed Theresa to lead him into the drawing room where she pushed me onto the couch and closed the sliding doors behind her. A different man would have seen her caution as a pretense to get me alone and have her wicked way with me. However, Theresa wasn't human. She also didn't believe in pretenses or lies. She was upfront with what she wanted and made damn well sure you knew it. Which was why, when she said we were in danger, I believed her.

Theresa sashayed over to me, placing one high heel on the couch next to me so that the skirt she wore split at the opening, showing me all her ivory skin and that she wasn't wearing anything beneath it. Theresa played with the line of her neckline as if to tease me with a peek of her breast, but her mouth was saying something different.

"You shouldn't have come here." Her words were low and seductive, a glaring contradiction to her actions.

I stared up at her, placing a hand on her ankle but not moving it higher. "And how do you suggest we say no? We'd lose our heads while we were sleeping...if we were lucky."

Theresa's brows furrowed for a second before she continued the charade, untying the strings of her dress slowly, but my eyes remained on her face the whole time. "It's a trap. Master doesn't like what Valentine reported. He thinks you have become too mainstream." She dropped the ties, releasing her breasts to the room. My eyes didn't even dip.

"Then why invite us home? Why not kill us already?" I leaned forward so my hand trailed up her calf. If anyone walked into the room, they'd see us and think we were about to fuck. Which was the point. There were far more humans than vampires in this house. Most of the vampires were already out on the hunt, looking for their evening meal. The humans, however, would be finishing up their chores for the day and their human sensibilities demanded them to turn around and leave a room if someone was in our position. Still, we had to be careful.

"Because of the girl," Theresa explained, climbing into my lap so her breasts were pressed up against my chest, with my hands curled around her waist. "Valentine wants her."

I let out a low growl, my fingers digging into her sides. "He can't have her."

Theresa gave me a wry smile. "A lesser woman would be jealous that such a human has captivated your whole house. However, her life is fleeting, but yours is not. Give them the girl and they will make sure you go home to your home in that pitiful town of yours. Refuse, and they will make you pay."

My fangs flashed at her as I flipped us, tossing her onto the couch as I snarled above her. "What is he planning? What's the game?"