I arched a brow. "Is it the fact that it's blood or that it's my blood that's the issue?"

Piper chewed on her lower lip before shoving her hand at me. "Fine. Get it over with. I'm not getting any younger."

I rolled my eyes and reopened the closed cut before tracing the wound on her hand. She hissed and glared at me the whole time, but let me do the job. When I was done, I held her hand and waited for the small cut to close up. Satisfied with her healing, I released her hand and took a step back.

"Wow, I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Piper held her hand up to her face, peering at it like it had sprouted tentacles.

I grunted. "Well, don't get used to it. We shouldn't have to give up our blood to heal you all the time. We might need it for ourselves."

Pursing her lips, Piper placed her hands on her hips and arched a brow. "Well, excuse me for being human and clumsy. I didn't make myself this way. It just happened."

I cocked a brow. "So says the five broken plates, the smashed mirror, the chair in the sitting room, and not to forget the vase during your interview."

Piper turned a pretty shade of red before shooting dagger at me with her eyes. "That's beside the point. All of those had perfectly good reasons behind them and I won't let you bully me. So, you can just go find a stake and sit on it!" She spun on her heel and stomped away, not waiting to see if I’d follow.

I gaped at her, utterly speechless for the first time in my existence. Sure, I wasn't an overly talkative person in the first place, but no one has ever dared talk to me like that. Like she didn't give a damn how big and bad I thought I was, she wasn't going to take any of my shit. I could see how Valentine would want to bite her. I kind of wanted to bite her and then fuck her. Not particularly in that order.