Antoine watched beside us, not moving from where he sat on the bed. He crossed one leg over the other and leaned back on his elbow. I'd have found his ease concerning, but I was too focused on keeping my feet on the floor and not crumbling out from under me. Wynn barely touched me. Every caress and brush of his fingers above the neckline. Nevertheless, each innocent touch pushed me further and further toward the deep end, until I was just on the edge and was begging Wynn not to stop.

"Please," I gasped, my fingers tightening on his silk pajama shirt. I should have been embarrassed by how desperate I sounded, but I was too close to care. "Wynn. I'm almost there. I..."

"Stop." Antoine's voice called out, and I stared at Wynn as he slowly removed his hands from me and stepped back.

"No." My eyes widened and then jerked over to Antoine, before going back to Wynn. "No, no. You can't be serious. You can't just stop now."

Wynn didn't answer me, and I reached for him but he was too fast. He took another step back and then he was out the bedroom door, not bothering to close it behind him.

Rage and need pulsated through me as I spun on Antoine. "I can't believe you. You fucking asshole."

Antoine stared at me flatly before standing to his feet. He adjusted his pants, brushing off some invisible lint, before taking one step toward me. Brushing my hair over my shoulder, he touched the edge of the gauze, and I flinched. "Let this be a lesson to you."

I glared up at him and then in a moment of bravery, placed my hands on my hips and snapped, "I'll just get myself off when you leave then."

"No, you won't." Antoine command filled every inch of me. The resistance I thought I had to his abilities apparently wasn't working, because every cellular part of my being demanded I obeyed him.

"What are you doing to me?"

Antoine tipped my chin up, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. "You are weak right now and have my blood coursing through you. It makes you more susceptible to my powers. Now, you will lay down and think about what you did. And while your nipples ache and your pussy begs to be stroked, you will resist. You will not cum until I say you can. Do you understand?"

I fought against the command in his voice. I fought until my jaw ached from clenching my teeth, but it was for nothing. My mouth opened on its own and a feeble, "Yes, sir," came pouring out.

"Good. Now go to bed. I will send Darren in to check on you later." He released my chin and walked toward the bedroom door, trusting me to do as he ordered.

Not like I had a choice.

The moment he released me, my feet moved on their own and I found myself climbing into bed. The covers brushed over my sensitive chest, making me shudder with want. I shifted my legs, trying and failing to quell the desire pounding to a beat that didn't seem to ebb, even after I laid there for thirty minutes.

It was torture. Pure torture. I'd have preferred a lashing to this, but I knew one thing for sure, I wouldn't forget myself again.