“I often wake up early.” I retorted, rolling my eyes and focusing on the food before me.

“I don’t think that’s true.”

I glared up at her, eyeing her put together appearance.

“Do you often have your hair done for breakfast?” I sniffed.

I watched her cheeks suddenly color a light pink, and I felt a peculiar mixture of affection and remorse – affection at her embarrassment, but remorse at being the cause of it.

I swallowed a bite of boiled egg, confused by my own feelings. I had affection for plenty of girls. That wasn’t strange. But remorse forteasing?

Thatwas peculiar.

Amelia’s hand nervously touched the stray curls falling around her face.

“I’m used to doing my own hair in a plainer fashion, but your lady’s maid, she thought this would look nice. I don’t know, perhaps it’s silly…”

I watched her gaze fall nervously upon the table, and I felt my affection grow. I examined her hair, finding it to indeed be different than before. I couldn’t say exactly how – I didn’t make a habit of studying lady’s hair styles – but she looked different.


“It looks very nice.” I said, without even thinking.

Her cheeks colored an even deeper red.

“You really think so?”

Our eyes were locked. I found myself staring into those grey eyes of hers, and time froze for a moment.

Before I was completely lost, I broke her gaze and stared back at the porcelain plate in front of me.


A silence fell upon the table, only interrupted by the sound of my knife scraping against the plate, or a servant refilling my coffee. Amelia continued to eat as well, her bites small and fastidious… much like her.

After a few minutes had passed, she spoke again, this time with her eyes focused on the paper beside her.

“Well, I am glad that my appearance is acceptable. I wager that I will need whatever good graces I can muster if I am to find a new position.”

I stared up at her, not understanding.

“A new position?”

She looked up at me and nodded, her expression hopeful, yet closed off – as if she wasn’t revealing to me all of her feelings.

“Yes, I am going to seek out new employment today. I must begin as soon as possible.”

I looked down at the paper beside her and saw that it was indeed open to the advertisements. Dozens of ladies – both of the ton and of the common folk, rich merchants and others – put advertisements in the paper, searching for governesses or companions.

Of course, Amelia had recently been fired from her position… because of me. It made sense that she would begin to look for new employment.

Why did that annoy me?

I still had not responded. Amelia took a sip of tea, a nervous sigh escaping her lips.

“Perhaps there are some northern families, merchants or factory owners, who would take me on. They may not have heard of my reputation.”

I swallowed a gulp of hot coffee, immediately wishing that it had something stronger in it.