He had lit a small flame of hope inside of me that couldn’t be unlit. A hope of happiness, marriage…love.

And when that flame of hope was inevitably stomped out, I would be devastated. But I couldn’t do anything to stop it.

My uncle coughed, and I could hear him sitting up slightly in the bed.

“The choice is yours, my Lord. But I’ve seen that you’re a good man. Do right by my niece.”

The silence extended again, until Will finally spoke, his voice quiet, yet serious.

“I will.”

Just as he finished speaking, I shifted my weight slightly, and an old floorboard beneath me groaned out, betraying my presence. I felt my face blush scarlet, but I quickly swallowed and rapped my fist against the door. I would have to pretend I hadn’t heard a word, of course.

How on earth would I do that? I had no idea.

But there was no alternative.

“Come in.” My uncle said. He grinned as I entered the room. I stared at him, avoiding Will’s gaze.

“Uncle! You look even better than before.” I said, hoping that my nervousness wasn’t obvious.

“The good doctor here has given me all sorts of medical advice.” He laughed, nodding towards Will.

I finally looked over at the Lord. He was standing at the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed directly on me. He wasn’t smiling; instead, his countenance was serious. Something about his gaze looked… different. I couldn’t explain it exactly, but it was as if he was seeing me for the first time. Really looking at me.

“Not at all, sir.” He said without emotion, breaking his gaze from me.

“Now, Amelia, before you go, would you fetch me a cup of milk?”

I nodded at my uncle, trying hard to look normal.

“I’ll go ready the carriage.” Will said, bowing slightly to Nicholas. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

“And you, my Lord.”

TheridebacktoMayfair was less tortuous than I expected. I found that if I simply told myself that nothing had happened, that I hadn’t overhead anything at all, I couldalmostmake myself believe it.


Will and I talked and joked about Richard’s behavior, and the other events of the day. I didn’t tell him what Louisa had told me about his affections for me, and I certainly didn’t mention theotherinformation she had shared. But I did think about it, that was for certain.

Every time Will turned his head, revealing the sharp angularity of his jawline… when he stretched his legs out, the muscles curving under his breeches… When he ran his fingers through golden strands of hair…

I couldn’tstopthinking about it. I wanted him, no matter the consequences. I wanted him in the way a woman wanted a man… I wanted to understand what Louisa had meant when she said that we were like a lock and key.

She was right. There was no one better to show me the ways of the world than William Thorne. Indeed, he probably knew them better than anyone else.

Just thinking about that sent goosebumps running up my back.

I had thought that the day couldn’t possibly hold any more revelations or surprises. But of course, I was wrong, and the moment we stepped into his apartment, one was staring us right in the face.

“Amelia!” Cassandra Radcliffe blurted, standing up from one of the chairs in the entry drawing room.

Will’s butler, standing to the side of the room, blushed a deep red and immediately began to explain the matter.

“Mydeepestapologies, my Lord. The miss rapped on the front door and refused to leave until she was seen. I felt it, uh, better to placate her, than to cause a scene…”

Will raised his eyebrow at the butler, and then at Cassie. She was wearing a fine dress, as well as her diamonds, as if she was about to go to a ball. No wonder the butler had allowed her inside – she was clearly a member of the ton. And a young, unwed lady at that. Had someone seen her knocking on the door of Lord Marsden’s apartment, of all people, by herself…