“Before I forget, niece, Imustask you to give that Lord friend of yours my deepest thanks. I feel I owe him my life, in some capacity. I would like to repay him, both for his time and generosity, in whatever way I can.”

“Father, that is simply not necessary-” Richard began, but was interrupted by Louisa.

“Oh, he’s downstairs, papa. Shall I fetch him?”

Nicholas looked at his daughter in surprise.

“Well, of course. Why wasn’t he here from the start? I cannot have a Lord waiting around in my drawing room.”

Louisa threw me a look, and then disappeared into the hallway. I glanced quickly at Richard and saw that he was fuming.

A moment later, Louisa returned to the room, a solemn looking Will only steps behind her. As he entered, Nicholas bowed his head; I noticed that Richard, pointedly, did not.

“My Lord, forgive me for your treatment in my house thus far. Had I known you were here, I would have invited you upstairs right away. I would give you the knee, but I’m afraid I’m ill disposed of for any real shows of civility at the present.”

He chuckled, staring down at the thick white cloth wrapped around his chest.

Will stood beside the bed.

“No need for the apology, sir. I am glad to see that you are recovering well.”

“I’ve heard that I owe you quite a bit for that fact. Now, children, Amelia, will you leave us? I wish to speak to the honorable Viscount.”

Louisa and I nodded, walking towards the door. Richard, however, didn’t stir. His father glared over at him.

“You are my child, too, Richard, as far as I last checked.”

The young man blanched white, and then stood up with attitude. He skulked over to the door, his glare firmly set on Will. Once we had all exited the room, Richard strode down the hallway without a word, leaving Louisa and I to watch him with our eyebrows raised.

“Give him some time. I’m sure his ego will recover eventually.” My cousin said, rolling her eyes.

“His ego?” I asked, somewhat confused.

Sure, he hated Will, and he felt that the Viscount had destroyed my honor, buthisego?

“Oh dear, Amelia, can you be that daft? Richard has been in love with you for ages.”

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. She began to laugh, shaking her head in my direction.

“You reallycanbe that daft. Oh, cousin. I suppose growing up at a great house in the country didn’t teach you much about the ways of the world. And the ways of men, in particular.”

I just stared at her, processing what she had said.

Richard was…in love with me.Part of me couldn’t believe it, but another part suddenly realized just how much sense it made. Why else would he be so terribly affronted by my situation with Will? It was hardly affecting his reputation, or his sister’s. In fact, I doubted whether any of their social circle knew or cared.

No. He was mad because he believed my virtue – something he had coveted - to be ruined. He imagined that I had set my romantic sights on another man… a man with wealth, power, and status that he could never compete with.

But was he right? Had I really fallen in love with the Lord?

Before I could even begin to tease apart such difficult questions, Louisa was pulling me into her bedroom. She sat me down on the bed, and then shut the door.

“Okay, now that we’re in private, you have to tell me everything, cousin.”

I just stared at her blankly.

“Amelia! You are staying with a Viscount! And not just any old Viscount, you’re gallivanting around withLord Marsden. I may not be of the ton, dear, but I have heard of his reputation.”

My face turned a deep scarlet red.