I looked deep into his eyes. They were so blue and tumultuous, like a deep, raging ocean.

“You didn’t have a single drink. You left your flask in the carriage, Will. You were sober while assisting my uncle. Sober… until you got here.”

He stared at me, our eyes locked. He opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing.

“I…” he finally stammered, looking into the distance. “I suppose you’re right.”

His words were soft and unsteady. As if he couldn’t believe it himself.

In the flickering glow of the fire, I felt something come over me. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but it was a warm stirring inside me like I’d never felt before. I found my ungloved hand reaching towards him, as if some strange phantom were in control of my body.

I enclosed my fingers around his hand. At the feeling of my touch, he turned to look at me in shock. It was as if we were frozen in time, staring into each other’s eyes.

I began to carefully pry the glass of amber liquor from his fingers. He let me take the glass from his hand, his fingers numb and yielding. I placed it onto the table with a dull clink, my eyes still locked onto his.

The Lord watched me, his perfect, tanned skin glowing in the firelight. It felt like the moment lasted forever – just he and I, together, seeing one another for who we really were.

And then, as if we were in one of my darkest, most secret dreams, he leaned towards me, so close that I could count each one of his dark eyelashes.

Before I could make sense of anything, he was kissing me.

And I was melting into him, like a magnet to his touch.

When his lips, irresistibly soft, brushed against mine, it felt as if every part of my body had sprung alive. It was like some demon had taken hold of me, making my body do things I had only ever dreamed of. I sighed, my back arched, hungry for his touch. And he responded forcefully, his lips consuming mine, his tongue flicking against my eager mouth like a flame.

Suddenly, he enclosed his hands around my wrists, shackling me with his grip. His hands moved up my arms, and then slid down my waist, sending goosebumps running up my body beneath the fine fabric. He pulled me closer, and I slid from my chair onto his lap, my legs falling to either side of his strong, chiseled torso… our lips still crashing against one another with increasing desire.

With one hand on my waist, he untied his cravat, tossing it to the ground with disregard. He then undid the first few buttons of his shirt, revealing golden tanned skin below. His eyes roamed across my body, full of a desperate hunger that sent warmth spreading through my lower torso like honey.

And then he paused, letting a low breath escape his mouth.

“Amelia, you really want this?” He said, his voice low and husky, but carefully measured.

I could barely think, much less respond. I looked down at him, my brain consumed by a dense fog of desire. All I knew was that I wantedhim.

Instead of responding with words, I found myself kissing him again. My hair, now completely out of its bun, fell around us, enclosing our faces together. Will’s hands, strong and assertive, moved up my body, finding my breasts. I gasped as he caressed my them, first gently and then forcefully, sending waves of jittery warmth through my entire being.

Before I could even try to protest, Will had picked me up, my legs straddling him as he carried me from the chair to the bookshelf-lined wall behind. Our lips still locked on one another, he pushed me against the bookshelves, and I yielded to his touch, my legs wrapped around his torso.

I found myself pulling him forward, desperate for our bodies to meet. I wanted him closer… closer… I wanted him to be so close, it was as if we were one. I wanted to satisfy the increasingly powerful need pulsating through my lower body, though I had no idea how, or why.

His hand suddenly moved up my bare leg, sending a chill up my spine. He pulled up my dress, revealing my bare undergarments, and stroked his hand against my inner thigh. I felt waves of tumultuous pleasure jolting through my body. I wanted him closer, closer…

And then something changed. A small, yet vocal voice in the back of my head began to chip away at the brazen confidence I had possessed only minutes earlier. My desire began to give way for a creeping, nagging fear. A perverse insecurity.

And reality came crashing back, like a bucket of freezing water dumped on my head.

What was I doing?

Letting Will, the rogue of London, take not only my first kiss… but also my virtue?

I didn’t even know what thatmeant.

And I was suddenly terrified.

Will, sensing my change of attitude, pulled away, letting my skirts fall around my bare legs.

“Amelia, are you okay?” He said, his blue eyes still cloaked by lust.