Cassandra’s eyebrows widened.

“I beg your pardon, my Lord?” Lady Radcliffe responded, her voice quivering on the edge of anger.

Marsden gave a cynical smile.

“You said that this was a fine house. Obviously, you do not believe that to be true. Why lie?”

I nearly gagged on my chicken.

Cassandra put down her glass with a loud clunk.

“Oh, my word…” Lady Radcliffe retorted, at a loss for words.

Lord Marsden, seemingly oblivious to the reaction he had produced, reached a finger up to his temple, rubbing it slightly.

A silence descended upon the table. I could sense Lady Radcliffe’s anger building up beside me… and I knew that if she were to blow, we would all be miserable.

I had sworn myself to silence, but perhaps I could say something to diffuse the situation.

Before I could think better of it, I spoke.

“The groundsarewilder than I remember them, my Lord.”

The moment the words were out of my mouth, I felt embarrassed. But I couldn’t take them back.

Lord Marsden paused, and then looked up at me. His eyes looked tired, and there were slight dark circles under them, as if he hadn’t slept well in a while. Despite that, he was still as handsome as ever.

I felt my heartbeat quicken, but I bit down on my tongue, reminding myself, once again, of who I was.

Just mousy Amelia Allen. A nobody.

And this was Lord Marsden, anabominable rake.

Before he had a chance to respond, Lady Radcliffe interjected.

“Miss Allen, how could you pretend to know anything about this estate? What impertinence.”

I grimaced. I should have expected Lady Radcliffe to tell me off.

“Actually, Miss Allen is quite correct.” Lord Marsden said briskly. “The grounds have been poorly managed. The absence of her father is clearly felt.”

I blushed, feeling the scarlet red color my cheeks.

Lady Radcliffe sniffed, her glare shifting between Lord Marsden and myself… as if she wasn’t sure who she disliked more.

“Miss Allen’s father was the steward at Rosehill, grandmother. She’s mentioned it before in our company.” Cassandra said to the Lady before throwing me an apologetic smile. I knew that she always felt responsible for her grandmother’s rude remarks towards me.

“Ah… perhaps.” Lady Radcliffe sniffed, looking over at me with a fake smile. “Thesteward.I imagine Miss Allen must be familiar with many of the staff here… and others of her particularstation.”

I felt my face color again. She meant to imply that I was of a lower station than the rest of the dinner guests.

And she was right.

“I highly doubt that.” Lord Marsden said, suddenly looking up at Lady Radcliffe with a hint of annoyance in his expression. “There has been significant turnover in the last few years. I don’t think any of the original staff are left.”

Lady Radcliffe gave an indifferent shrug.

“It is good to refresh the staff from time to time. Indeed, I do the same at my estate. You cannot have them getting too comfortable.”