I found myself shuddering. Forgetting all semblances of decorum, I nearly ran into the drawing room, staring at Cassie in shock.

“Cassandra! How did you come here?”

She smiled, as if there was nothing untoward about the situation at all.

“I simply walked. It was a pleasant evening.”

I just looked at her, my mouth hanging open.

“But… to London? We must have left you at Rosehill nary two days ago… have you come alone?”

The young girl shook her head, sighing.

“Of course not. Her ladyship was extremely put out by your departure… and worried that it would affect her own. After you left Rosehill, she decided that we must return to London as well, but we must act as if we never left.”

She paused, a nervous look flitting across her face.

“She has told everyone that you ran away with Lord Marsden in the first place, Amelia, and that her and I were never at Rosehill at all. I’m sorry.”

I sighed, recognizing what I had already known.

My reputation was ruined. I would never be returning to Lady Radcliffe’s good graces… and I would never make an advantageous marriage. I would probably never be married at all.

And all because of Will.

But I had chosen this, hadn’t I?

Before I had a chance to say anything else, Will stepped into the room, eyeing Cassie with some amusement.

“Good evening, Miss Radcliffe.”

The girl smiled, giving him a slight bow.

“And to you, Lord Marsden.”

She then shot me a look, raising her eyebrows. She might as well have winked for how obvious it was.

“Can I ask why you have decided to take up residence in my drawing room?” Will continued, his bright blue eyes twinkling.

Oh, I’m surehefound this hilarious.

“You can, my Lord.” Cassie responded, smiling serenely at him.

When she said nothing else, Will looked over at me, his expression confused.

I sighed. This was all very Cassandra.

“Cassandra, please explain yourself.” I said, my voice exasperated.

She laughed, sticking her tongue out just the smallest bit. As I watched her, I realized it was a miracle she hadn’t ruined her reputation already. Lady Radcliffe was the only one keeping her in check, that was for sure.

“Alright, alright. My answer is not all that dramatic. To be honest, I simply wanted to make sure you were okay. Your departure was quite abrupt, and I worried I would never see you again. My grandmother will certainly not allow it…”

She grimaced towards the end.

“Indeed. Have you considered how she will react to you coming to my house, the house of the most scandalous man in London, in the dark? Need I remind you, I am probably your grandmother’sleastfavorite person.” Will said with a sly grin, his old sarcastic humor coming out again.

Cassie stood up straighter, biting her lip.