“I see. And how would this Lady Radcliffe feel about you coming to Gracechurch Street by yourself?”
Amelia’s face blanched white.
“Oh, please, do not say anything-” She stared at me with a panicked expression. “I’m sorry, my Lord. You’re right, I should not be here, I just -”
I almost laughed, but I contained myself.
“No, to the contrary, Amelia,” she seemed to startle when I said her given name, “I am impressed by your brazen disregard for London society. Quite impressive, really. Now, as long asyoupromise to keep what you saw the other night all to yourself, thenIpromise never to speak of your, uh, rather un-lady like endeavors.”
I smirked, and Amelia stared back at me in shock.
“Uh, yeah… I mean, yes, my Lord. Yes, of course.”
“Wonderful. Well, I should actually be going now. I undoubtedly have some sort of social obligation to get to. But I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of each other.”
She continued to look at me with wide eyes, saying nothing.
“Goodbye, Amelia! Looking forward to our reacquaintance.”
I strode down the sidewalk, leaving her standing with an amusing expression of complete confusion on her face. Now, I really couldn’t help but laugh.
After not seeing each other for a good ten years, we’d now run into each other two times in twenty-four hours, and one of the times I was naked.
I should make a habit of skinny dipping and wandering London more often, it seemed.
Chapter Three
Immediatelyaftermyencounterwith Lord Marsden on Gracechurch Street, I had gone back to Lady Radcliffe’s townhouse in a state of anxiety. I wasn’t usually an anxious person; after all, as a poor orphan with few prospects, I hadtoomany things to be anxious about, and I just didn’t see the point.
But after running into my former friend twice in twenty-four hours, both times in rather compromising circumstances, I was a bit overwhelmed. I mean, what were the odds?
Cassandra met me as I entered the house, her expression growing concerned as she saw my face.
“Amelia, dear, what’s happened? Were your cousins unwell?”
I shook my head, and we uck into my room, shutting the door for privacy. Cassandra had helped me to sneak out earlier. Lady Radcliffe would have been furious if she’d known I’d gone all the way to Gracechurch Street without her permission. Never mind that I was a fully grown woman of twenty-two, capable of walking around London myself.
Well,mostlycapable. I couldn’t deny that the Lord had saved me from an unpleasant situation. If he hadn’t been there… I suppose I would’ve had to give the hackney driver my jewelry, as little as it was. I shuddered at the thought.
I explained the entire situation to Cassandra. She already knew about my childhood friendship with Lord Marsden, but I had yet to tell her of the events at last night’s ball. She listened with rapt attention, her mouth dropping with shock as I shared the more sordid details.
“What insanity! I can’t believe you’ve seen the rake twice in a day! And, heavens, with Juliana Pembroke…”
“I know. I think they must be found out eventually. They were so brazen, naked in the garden. I couldn’t believe it.”
Cassandra shook her head, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
“It’s truly shocking. Imagine, Lord Marsden and Miss Pembrokenakedin the middle of a party. And only a stone’s throw away from my grandmother!”
She began to giggle, and I couldn’t help but join in. It truly was absurd. If Lady Radcliffe knew the half of what happened under her nose, she would have had a conniption.
“How can people lead such exciting lives? Meanwhile, I am locked up here, unlikely to ever drink a glass of sherry without my grandmother’s supervision.” Cassandra sighed, staring off into the distance.
I knew she was wishing that she was Juliana Pembroke. From the outside, Juliana’s did indeed seem exciting. Constant balls and parties, every man in London vying for her attention, and even Lord Marsden at her beck and call…
I couldn’t help but feel the slightest hint of jealousy myself.