Page 97 of Want You

He doesn’t flinch. I don’t know if he even feels it. His biceps are like rocks. “We good?” he says, a mite impatient.

“Why?” I cock my head. “Are we going somewhere?”

“Hopefully, five feet to your left.”

“Five feet to my—” I look over my shoulder and see the bed. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Oh.”



I’m a criminal. I break the law. I kill people. I steal. I work for people who traffic in guns and drugs. But none of those misdeeds compare to the sin I’m committing now. But I can’t let her go.

I’ve had a taste of heaven and am too damn selfish not to want a repeat.

“If I take you now. That’s it. You can’t leave again.”

“A threat is something that I should be afraid of. I’m not afraid of you.”

“You should be.” I thread a finger inside the waistband of her jeans. “You should be afraid of me. Of my world.”

“Leka, don’t you know? I’m your world.” Boldly, she steps forward and rises on her tiptoes to place a kiss on my chin. My cock pulses against her stomach.

“That’s even more terrifying.”

“But you’ve never been afraid of anything.”

I wasn’t before you came into my life, but that’s because I didn’t have anything to live for. I cup the back of her neck and tilt her head with my thumb until her eyes meet mine. “Last chance.” Last chance to escape before I tie you to me with binding so secure and tight that not even death will keep us apart.

She leans forward and presses her cheek against my thudding heart. “I was once afraid. Back in that dark alley, running away from the bad man that wanted to hurt me. I was afraid of everything. The shadows in the apartment. The noises as the springs bounced above my head. The smells of sweat and vomit in the bathroom. But most of all I was afraid of being alone and forgotten. You drove that all away, Leka. I don’t care what happens to me so long as it happens when you are with me. This world is shit. I know this. I know that there are probably lots of people out there that would say you and I are wrong, but they don’t matter. Only you matter. I only want you.”

I tried. I tried hard to be a good person and to send her away. I did the right thing and now…well, now, I grab the lapels of her robe and whip it open. Now it’s time to claim her.

I sweep a hand under her ass and lift her. Her legs automatically wrap around my waist, her ankles locking at the notch of my lower back. As I cross the small distance to the mattress, her ass brushes the head of my straining cock. The wispy contact makes my dick ache. I clench my teeth.

Every time we have sex, I’m fighting the battle of not coming too soon. She makes me so fucking hot that just looking at her eviscerates my self-control. But I want to go slow this time. I really want to make love to her, to bring her to heights she hasn’t known before, so that if there ever is a time she has to choose, her body will remember me.

Gently, I lay her onto the mattress. The white terry cloth falls to frame her perfect, beautiful body. She gestures that she wants me in her arms. I shake my head.

“No. Not yet.” I pull a finger between her legs and hold it up so she can see her arousal coating the tip. “I’m need my daily ration of this.” I suck the finger into my mouth, tasting her salty essence.

Her eyes widen in anticipation.

I don’t make her wait. I drop to my knees and press her legs open wide—wider than she prefers, but I like to see her fully on display. Her sex is beautiful. It’s soft and suckable, glistening with a need that makes me humble.

“Are you gonna stare at your food or do something about it?” she chirps, half challenge, half irritation.

I laugh. “Maybe I’ll take a picture.”

“Do it and I’ll kill you.”

“This is fucking gorgeous. It’s art.” I frame her pussy with my fingers, pressing my thumbs against the puckered, forbidden skin. She tries to scoot away, but I drag her back.

“Well, it’s the only art you’re going to see.”

My fingers dig into her thighs. “I better be the only one seeing it.”

“Or what?” she teases.

I’m deadly serious. “Or I’ll be keeping a collection of eyeballs in a jar in the fridge.” I lean forward and give her one long lick from back to front. “You’re mine now. I’m the only one that gets to look at this pussy. I’m the only one that gets to touch this pussy. I’m the only one that gets to eat this pussy.”