Page 87 of Want You

Apprehensive eyes meet mine. I don’t know what she sees, but the brakes are off this train and we are barreling down the track. The future is unknown, but at least we’ll be together.

“Do you think I’m scared of you?” I rise to my full, intimidating height and push her backward onto the mattress. I take one leg and bend it at the knee. “You’d be right.” I lean down and press a kiss against the inside of her knee. She shivers from the contact. “You scare the hell out of me.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

I flip up the bottom of her nightgown to display a tiny scrap of silk and lace covering neatly trimmed dark hair. I run a finger over the center. The tip comes away wet. My cock jumps with glee. I’m not going to last.

“You’re too fine for the likes of me, Bit, but you’ve given yourself to me and there are no take backs. This cherry’s mine, for now and ever.”

She shudders, and her hips gyrate in a primitive, unpracticed response. I swipe the back of my hand over my mouth. This is my fantasy come to life.

Her skin feels like silk—not the cheap kind you find sold by the bushel in Midtown on the street corners, but the fine stuff that’s under glass and you can’t touch unless you’re dripping with diamonds and gold.

I smooth a rough, calloused hand over one golden leg, taking a slow journey from the tender skin behind the ankle bone, up her muscular calf, over the kneecap all the way to the crease at her upper thigh. My hand trembles lightly the whole way. This is art I’m touching.

What’s a surprise is that I haven’t rammed my dick into her yet. My entire lower body throbs like a toothache. I welcome the pain. It’s the only restraint I have.

“I’m dying here,” Bit moans. Her fingers, white around the knuckles, press into the mattress. Her back arches, pushing her tits high into the air. Those nubs are tight and begging for my mouth.

I want to touch her everywhere at once—the curve of her waist, the secret spot behind her ears, the sweet, wet pussy winking at me coyly as she writhes in unquenched need. My head gets light. I made her like this. It’s me, not any other man in this world, but me. She’s saved herself for me. She wants me.

She deserves so much more. She deserves a man uptown with clean hands and a big bank account. She deserves a house at the seashore, vacations that require passports, and a safe place to come home to every night. I can’t give her any of these, but she wants me anyway.

It’s humbling and intoxicating all at one time.

I bend down. She arches up. Our mouths meet and fuse. She makes a small sound, like an excited kitten who gets her first scratch along her throat. Her lips part and my tongue dives in. I’ve never done this before, so I take my time and savor the moment.

Pleasure drugs my blood. Everything slows down and time becomes a foreign concept. I’m not fully aware of my surroundings. Beefer and the crew could batter down the door, the stove could catch on fire, a bomb could drop outside the apartment. I’d be deaf and dumb to it all.

My existence has narrowed to this one small being beneath me. Her mouth is all I can taste. Her sighs are all I can hear. The soft, warm, welcoming body is the only thing I can feel.

I’m not aware of the sheets coming off the mattress or the chill in the air, which is the result of failing to turn up the furnace. She is my world now and I’m reveling in her.

Nails dig into my waist as she pulls me closer. “Now,” she pleads.

“Not yet.” I shift my cock away from her tempting pussy. I want to explore her. There’s the dip at the base of the throat and the shadow in the valley between her breasts. I roll one pert nipple between my fingers and take the other one in my mouth and suck deep and hard.

Her breath comes out in ragged, uneven beats. “Now, then. I want you now.”

I’m aching for it. My cock is hard and desperate, but something holds me back.

“Bit, if I do this, if we do this, I don’t—I can’t—” Never good at speaking anyway, I stumble over my words.

“Can’t give me up?” She catches my hand in hers and drags me down until those ripe tits are burning brands into my chest. “Don’t think you’ll be able to let me go? Oh, Leka, it’s the same for me. I want to hold you here, against me, skin to skin, forever. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. There will never be another man for me. If you don’t have me, then I’ll lock myself away. We were both dealt terrible hands in life, but fate made up for it by bringing us together. You’re going against the universe if you turn me away now. You have to take me for the sake of mankind.”