Page 44 of Want You

“Sh-she has no experience.”

I have to hand it to the woman. She’s persistent.

Still keeping his hand on my neck, Leka bends down until he’s close enough to feel Mary’s breath on his cheek. “Then you’ll teach her.”

He straightens and gently directs me toward the bar where Beefer’s pouring himself a drink. We’ve all turned our backs on Mary, which, I think, is a very big mistake.



One year later

Bells chime as I push open the tall glass door. A blue-suited man wearing a stern expression gives me a sharp nod and Leka a wary glance.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” I mutter to Leka under my breath. The small store isn’t like any I’ve ever been in. I’m used to racks full of clothing. Maybe a few mannequins dotting the floor. This cream and gold wedding cake of a store has about ten dresses on display.

He flips over his phone. “Divine Dresses,” he recites. “Mrs. Michaelson said you should get your dress here.”

He gives me a gentle shove to move farther into the store.

“What’s wrong with Macy’s?” That’s where I would’ve bought last year’s dress if I’d been forced to go. Lucky for me, I turned my ankle working at Marjory’s and convinced Mrs. M that I was too hurt to dance. Believing that I was super disappointed, Leka took me to see Deadpool and then spent half the time covering my eyes—as if I hadn’t ever seen a guy’s ass before. Okay, so it was the first time I’d seen a naked ass, but it wasn’t as if the sight of Ryan Reynolds’ naked butt cheeks inspired an intense desire to pull down the pants of every guy that walked by me.

After the movie, I did spend more time surreptitiously staring at Leka’s butt and wondering what it might look like without his usual jeans or sleep pants covering him, but I don’t lie awake at night thinking about it. At least not often. Like, not every night or anything.

“Mrs. Michaelson said to bring you here.”

Mrs. Michaelson is the female oracle in our lives. If she says that I should do something, Leka immediately obeys, which is why we are at a store I don’t care about to buy a dress I don’t need for a dance I don’t want to attend.

“I think Deadpool 2 is coming out.”

Leka grunts, which could either mean maybe or no way. But I don’t get the opportunity for a clarification because a saleslady clad in cream pants and a cream blouse with a big bow at her neck appears in front of us. “Hello. What can I help you find today?”

I open my mouth to say “nothing,” but Leka speaks first.

“She needs a dress for a high school dance.”

I wait for her to fawn all over Leka, like every woman between the age of six and eighty-six does, but to my enormous surprise, she barely glances at him. Instead, she addresses me. “Do you have a style or color in mind?”

“Black. Funereal.”

Leka rolls his eyes at me. “She’s fifteen, so make sure it’s age appropriate.”

The lady gives a slight nod of acknowledgment but doesn’t take her focus from me. “I’m sure I can find something both you and your daughter will like.”

“Oh, he’s not—” I start to say and then let it go. I need to get over this compulsion to straighten everyone out about my connection with Leka. Besides, I think it hurts Leka’s feelings, but he’s not ready to hear that I’m in love with him and want to do all the naughty things the senior girls talk about doing with their boyfriends during gym. He’d die. I seriously think he’d have a heart attack. Then I’d have to give him mouth-to-mouth. Hmmm. This might have possibilities.

Before I can chase this fantasy down, the saleslady takes me by the elbow and draws me deeper into the store. “Sir, you’re welcome to sit here. I’m going to take—” She pauses, indicating with an arched eyebrow that I should fill in my name.

“Elizabeth,” I say.

“—I’m going to take Elizabeth to a dressing room.” Leka drops into a chair as the lady leads me away. “If you’re open to some suggestions, your skin coloring would look gorgeous with a jewel tone. Perhaps something in green or royal blue?”

“I like blue,” I admit.

She casts a look over her shoulder. “I’m not surprised.”

Hmm. She must’ve given Leka a longer look than I suspected. Yeah, he’s got the bluest of blue eyes and yeah, it’s my favorite color.

“I’m Catherine.” She sweeps aside a heavy curtain and gestures for me to step inside. “Let me go find a few dresses for you.”

“I don’t want anything—”

“I think I know just the style you need. You have a marvelous figure.” She gives me another smile. “Take off your clothes. All of them.”