Page 67 of My Fake Fiancé

When will I ever get enough of this woman? Mandi is nestled in my arms, and we’re snug inside the sleeping bag, naked.

“How have things progressed with your dad and Midge?” she asks.

I feel guilty since nothing has progressed on that front and it’s the whole reason we’re getting married. “They’re still not talking. I’m not sure what to do. My mom is coming around, but my dad won’t budge.”

She turns and lifts herself up on her elbows. “Maybe we need to come up with a plan.”

“Like?” I run my fingers down her hair.

“Hmm… a dinner? I could have it after closing hours at the inn. Just your parents, Midge, and us.”

“He’ll probably leave when he figures out no one else is there.”

“We could lock them in a room together.” She giggles.

“I’m not sure anything is gonna work. Short of you getting pregnant and us demanding they get it together or they can’t see the baby, I’m out of ideas.” I finger a lock of her hair again. “I’m not suggesting that as the solution, by the way.”

The idea of impregnating Mandi should scare me more than it does.

“Let me think on it a little.” She twists around and lies with her back to my front.

“Who is walking you down the aisle?” I ask, trying to get on the topic of her dad without her thinking I’m prying. She hasn’t mentioned him at all when we discuss wedding planning.

“Hank. I almost broke and asked my dad, but I couldn’t. He’s made his bed and I can’t pull him back into our lives after he’s gotten so many people mad at him.”

“What did he do? I mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

She sits up and faces me. “No, it’s fine. After he and my mom divorced, he tried to remain in our lives in his own half-ass way. He was always more concerned with Jed than the rest of us. Thought Jed would get a free ride to college for football and probably go pro. He was doing some things he shouldn’t have to try to make that happen, and after Jed found out, he cut Dad off. Nikki tried to let him back into her life, but he used her for Logan’s connections. He has a new wife and kids. That’s where his interest lies. I haven’t even told him I’m getting married.”

I frown. “Why not?”

“Because I told myself when he calls me, I’ll tell him. And he’s yet to call.” She shrugs. “So why should he know? Plus, Hank’s been more of a father to me than him. Not to mention it’s hard to respect your dad when he cut off your mom, who gave up everything for him.”

I remember her mentioning that. I figure it’s the whole reason I’d never get Mandi to travel with me. It’s clearly important to her to provide for herself and be self-sufficient. If she were following me around the world, all her eggs would be in my basket so to speak.

“How long were they together?” I ask.

She fiddles with her fingers. “Eighteen years, I think. But my mom gave up everything to move to Arizona with him. And when she found out he was cheating on her, she moved us all back up here to her hometown. We lived with my grandparents for a while, and eventually she rekindled things with Hank and found her happily ever after.”

“They do seem happy.”

She makes a sound of contentment. “Hank was Mom’s only real love. My dad was just a stand-in, I think. She’d never tell me that, but I know it’s the truth.”

“Well, I’m glad she married someone else before Hank because I can’t imagine if you weren’t in my life. You’re the most caring and giving person I’ve ever known.” I probably shouldn’t have said that, but it’s the truth and I can’t keep quiet about it. I want this woman to know how special she is. I wrap my arms around her and entice her to lie back down.

“Thank you. After we moved here, Nikki was boy crazy. Posey was too young. She just wanted to be Mom’s protector. But I was Mom’s helper. If dinner needed started, I’d do it. The laundry folded, I’d do it. I tried to do things without her asking because I knew she needed the help. After she and Hank got together, Rylan was born, and I just continued helping. Before I knew it, it was the role I took on in the family.”

“Which makes you a great innkeeper.” I squeeze her against me.

“I suppose, but sometimes, like the other night with the dresses, I want to tell them all off. I just want to do what I want and not give one crap about the consequences.”

“I wish I could make that happen for you. Although I can give you a life without being everyone’s caregiver, I sense you don’t really want it.”

She laughs, but it’s hollow. “How sick is that? But it’s the truth. I don’t want to leave them. They’re everything to me.”

I kiss the top of her head. “You’re exceptional.”

“Stop putting me on some pedestal. I have plenty of faults.”