Page 45 of My Fake Fiancé

After a few rounds, I decide it’s easier to just let every bridesmaid choose the dress style they like and I take a picture of the dresses and the color we ultimately decide on and send it to Dori’s phone.

“Oh, selfie time!” Midge holds up her phone and snaps a picture. “I’ll tag Greta and Hilde so they can get started.”

“You have Instagram?” Posey asks Midge, looking at Midge’s phone.

“She never uses it,” Dori says, a tinge of jealousy in her tone—maybe because Midge was able to figure it out and she wasn’t.

“I do too. I use it to keep up with Noah.” Midge sticks out her tongue.

My three sisters bury their heads in their phones, obviously about to cyberstalk my fake fiancé.

“Why doesn’t…” Nikki says.

“He have any pictures of you?” Posey finishes.

“Yeah, you need to be his girl on here,” Chevelle says as my sisters all look at me.

“There are no pictures of the two of you?” Ethel comes around Chevelle and looks at her phone. “Anywhere.”

“He wants to keep it professional. Who am I to argue?” I answer the only way I can, although I feel as if I’m in the middle of the highway and staring at a set of headlights coming my way.

Dori’s eyes bulge. “You better get on that Instagram feed before someone else thinks he’s available.”

“My son would never let his interest wander. I’m sure Mandi’s right and he just wants to keep his private life private.”

All their eyes are on me and I suddenly want to send him a picture to post.

I decide to lie through my teeth. “He has another private Instagram account. That’s just his business one.”

“I’m sorry to usher you all out, but my next client is coming in shortly,” Brena interrupts, and I could kiss her.

Now I have a new mission. A new Instagram account for him, selling the image of the happy betrothed couple.