Page 58 of My Fake Fiancé

Posey delivers a beautiful baby girl named Shay.

And since she was in labor for the majority of the night, Noah and I left late but head over to the hospital in the morning.

Posey is awake and watching television while Gavin’s talking on his cell phone off to the side. Shay is in the bassinet. Not exactly the moment you imagine after someone gives birth.

“I can wait outside,” Noah says.

“Don’t be silly. Come in and meet your niece.”

He does a little blink when I refer to Shay as his niece as though the thought hadn’t occurred to him and I feel a pull in my chest, knowing his relationship with this little one won’t stand the test of time.

Posey is eating her breakfast and I whisper, trying not to interrupt Gavin, “You look great.”

“Thanks! And now I won’t be a big blueberry for your wedding. So win-win. Thanks for coming early, little one.” She blows a kiss to Shay, who’s still fast asleep.

“Not too early, right?” I ask.

“I think maybe they had my date wrong,” she whispers. “She’s healthy and good, doctor says she can come home tomorrow.” She cringes. “We didn’t even finish the room in the back of the salon for when I bring her to work.”

Gavin hangs up the phone. “Want to hold her?” He picks up Shay and offers her to me.

“I’d love to.” He puts her in my arms, and I gaze down at the little beauty. She’s perfect.

Noah snaps a picture with his phone, and we exchange a smile.

“For bragging,” he says to Posey and Gavin.

“I wanted to talk to you actually,” Gavin says to Noah.

I sit in the chair and rock my little niece, unable to stop staring at her red hair and pale skin, just like Posey and me. Her small five fingers wrap around my index finger, and a sense of love and peace rushes through my body.

“We need some headshots for the mayor’s office, and I thought you might be able to help us. I know the sheriff’s office needs some too.”

“Um…” Noah glances at me.

I shrug to say it’s up to him. He runs his hand through his hair.

“And Noah, just so you know, it’s uncle duty to take newborn pictures of your niece. I know you’re used to photographing the wild, but can you brush up on your portrait skills?” Posey pushes away her empty tray.

“Oh yeah, sure. Although it’s not really my strength. I don’t know if you saw Fisher and Allie’s pictures,” he says, never one to overpromise. Which makes me think about us. He’s always very clear about where we stand.

“I did and those turned out great. I just figure while we have you in town, we might as well take advantage. And of course we’ll pay you. I mean, you need the money for the wedding, right?” Posey smiles.

Noah returns her smile, but my assumption is he doesn’t need any money.

We spend twenty minutes with them until Posey yawns for the tenth time. I put Shay back in the bassinet and we each say our goodbyes.

“If you call my office, they’ll start setting it all up.” Gavin hands Noah his card. “Two weeks, guys, and you’re husband and wife. How exciting. Now I just need to get this one to walk down the aisle and marry me.” He thumbs toward Posey.

“I wasn’t going to look like a snowball at our wedding, Gav,” Posey says. “You can plan it in three more months.”

Gavin looks at Noah. “When are they going to realize they’re beautiful in our eyes no matter what?”

Noah turns to me. “I wish I knew.” Then he looks back at Gavin. “Congratulations again.”

I hug Gavin, and Noah shakes his hand. While we walk down the hallway of the baby wing of the hospital, I wonder if I’ll ever be here as a patient. Being engaged to a fake fiancé isn’t exactly going to make it happen.

“I have to buy some new camera equipment,” Noah says. “I’m a tad worried… I’m not a portrait photographer.”