Page 3 of Reckless Hands

“Where is your father?”

Adora walks behind the counter and stacks a few books before she glances back at me.

“Dead. I killed him,” she states.

Then she smiles.



He’s cute. Handsome even, but his face is one of utter shock as he looks at me. The sharp angles of his jaw are ticking, and I wonder if that’s a sign he’s agitated, disturbed, or just plain angry.

“You what?” he asks, apparently not having heard me the first time.

“I killed him.”

“Fuck this shit! I’m out.” Joey shakes his head and stalks to the door. I watch his retreating back, smiling as he goes.

Maybe I’ve been avoiding this for no reason at all. I mean, he did get quite the introduction. I would have apologized, but I think it helped my case too. You know, not marry someone who I clearly don’t want to, and who probably doesn’t want me either.

He pauses, his hand on the door.

“How long have you been back?” he asks.

“Years,” I answer without hesitation, and he turns back to face me.

“And Lucas knew of this?”

“It took him a while to realize who I was,” I tell Joey honestly. “But, yes, he knows who I am.”

The woman from earlier pushes the door open, and Joey steps aside, letting her in. She blushes when she sees him and then looks at me.

Dammit! I didn’t even get her name.

“Becca,” she says, sounding shy, or at least shyer than she seemed a few minutes ago.

Joey looks between us, a smirk touching his lips.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” I wave to the door where Joey’s watching us.

Becca glances behind her, then nods to the counter. “I left my phone.” She walks over and reaches for it, and I place my hand on top of hers. “Do you want my number?” I ask.

I mean, she did just eat me out. Granted, we had only just met when she placed a book on the counter to purchase. Then we got to talking, and one thing led to another, and she ended up with her face between my legs.

What can I say, I have sex appeal.

“You don’t want her number.”

We both turn to Joey, and I raise a brow at him. Now is not the time for me to make a stand. He ignores my sharp glare and focuses on Becca. “Leave. Now.”

She snatches her phone from the counter and basically runs past him and out the door.

I bite my tongue. Hard. So hard I can taste blood.

When I glance back at Joey, the front door is closed, and he’s standing there with his arms crossed over his chest while he stares at me.

“That’s not going to happen again.” He indicates where Becca just ran out the door.