She beamed at me. “Thank you. But I did want to check out the statues in the museum’s front courtyard too.”

I tugged her toward the entrance. “As the doctor-to-be desires.”

She laughed again and stepped even closer to me as I slid my arm right around her waist. We walked down the front steps into a paved courtyard that stretched half a block from the museum’s doors, holding several looming modern art sculptures made of metal and concrete. I peered up at them, not totally understanding what impression the artists had been going for, but appreciating the effort that’d gone into them all the same.

A damp breeze washed over us through the night, and the clouds hazed by the glow of the city lights rumbled overhead. Madelyn’s gaze flicked upward. “That sounded ominous.”

“Do you want to hurry back to my car?” I asked. The exhibition had been popular enough that I’d had to park a few blocks away.

As Maddie hesitated, more thunder boomed, and a couple of fat droplets hit my forehead. Maddie only had time to let out a yelp before it seemed as if the entire sky opened up to pour its contents down on us.

There was no time to sprint all the way to the car. I glanced around and yanked Maddie with me under the shelter of a statue that arched over like a broad, rippled rainbow.

In even that short time, the deluge drenched me. As the rain cascaded down in a sheet on either side of the arch, I swiped my dripping hair back from my eyes and caught Maddie’s gaze. Only the thinnest glow from the nearby security lamps seeped through the downpour, just enough to show the glint in her blue eyes and the way her own hair was slicked to the sides of her head.

She glanced down at her soaked dress, plastered to her curves, and snickered. “This isn’t how I saw this evening ending. How are we going to get to the car?”

“Usually a storm like this doesn’t last too long. We can try waiting it out under here.”

A shiver ran through her body, and I moved closer, slipping my arm around her again. She glanced up at me through her damp eyelashes. Her voice came out lower with a slight sultry note that made me totally forget my own chill. “Are you going to keep me warm?”

“It would be my pleasure,” I murmured, bringing my other hand to her jaw, and leaned in for a kiss.

This wasn’t just pleasure—this was paradise. She kissed me back with the same passion that was burning in me, her soft lips sliding against mine, her arms looping around my neck. I tipped my head to deepen the kiss and teased my tongue across the seam of her lips to coax them apart. The moment she welcomed me in, I delved inside her mouth to tangle my tongue with hers.

The little sound that worked from her throat disintegrated my last shred of self-control. I nudged her up against the side of the arch, pressing my body against hers, and she clutched me tighter. The rain still cascading over both sides of the statue might as well have formed walls cutting us off from the rest of the world in our own private room.

No one could see us. We could get up to whatever we wanted in this pocket of solitude. And I knew exactly what I wanted from this woman.

My dick was already throbbing in my pants. I stroked my hand over Maddie’s breast, and she whimpered against my mouth. I drank in the sound and then charted a path across her cheek to the crook of her jaw before nibbling my way down her neck. At her gasp, I nipped a little harder.

Her hips swayed against mine. With a growl I couldn’t contain, I dropped my hand to her thigh and molded her against me. At the press of my groin against hers, her breath stuttered even though there were still several layers of fabric between us.

Way too many layers. A fire lit in me to have her right here, right now. That would be a first time to remember, wouldn’t it? Just imagining plunging into her liquid heat sent a tremor of molten desire through my veins.

“Fuck, Maddie,” I murmured by her ear. “I want you so damn bad.”

I had a condom in my back pocket. I’d thought we might make use of it elsewhere, but if she was game…

I trailed my fingers down her leg to the hem of her dress and tucked them beneath it. As I caressed her thigh skin to skin, she yanked my mouth back to hers. Her body swayed against mine with every sign of being just as eager.

But when my hand reached the waist of her panties, ready to hook over it and drag them down, a sudden tension stiffened her body. I paused, pulling back far enough to meet her eyes again in the dimness. I wasn’t going to push her past the point of comfort. Her desires mattered just as much as mine did, no matter how much I was aching for her.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“There’s nothing to apologize for,” I said. “If we’re moving too fast—”

“It’s not exactly that. I want you too.” She hesitated, worrying at her lower lip. Her expression firmed with resolve. “I just want to be honest with you. I—I’m not just seeing you. I’ve been… dating, or something, at least one other guy. Which maybe you don’t care about, I don’t know, butI’mnot used to the whole multiple partners, playing the field kind of thing. I’m still figuring out how I want to handle it.”

I found myself immediately calculating which of the three men she’d been hanging around with might have staked enough of a claim to be considered apartneralready and then tamped down my instinctive jealousy. She consideredmea partner too, apparently. That was the most important thing.

If the other guys were worthy of her, then she deserved them too. I wouldn’t fight about it. If they weren’t… Well, we’d have a fight on our hands then, but I’d deal with them myself.

“At leastone?” I repeated, torn between curiosity and possessiveness.

“Definitely one,” she admitted. “And another where something might happen but hasn’t exactly yet. At least not recently.” She let out a huff of frustration and hung her head. “Sorry. Apparently my romantic life is a total mess right now.”

Had I made her feel embarrassed by her situation? A flash of concern seared away my lingering jealousy.