“Summer,” I said, knowing my shock showed in my tone. The happiness in her expression faded slightly, and I fumbled for a smile as I opened my arms to offer a hug. “What the heck are you doing here? I had no idea you’d be coming.”

“Hey, what good is a bestie if I’m not around to have your back when you really need it?” Summer squeezed me tight. Then she pulled back to study my face with narrowed eyes. “You’ve gotten so quiet lately. Always vague about what you’re up to. I’ve been worried about you. When I heard about your mom, I figured you’d be dropping by as soon as you were done with classes for the week. I wanted to see you in person and make sure you’re okay. I just talked to your mom—she said you’d be down here.”

“Yeah,” I said, abruptly aware that I was going to sound really vague all over again. I wasn’t going to tell her where I’d gone before coming to the cafeteria. “It’s awesome to see you. I’m sorry, I’ve just been so busy with school stuff, the end of term coming up, you know how it is.”

It was a weak excuse. Frankly, I’d been kind of a shitty friend in the last couple of weeks. There was so much I hadn’t told her, and in avoiding those conversations, I hadn’t been there for her either.

But anything I said to her would put her at risk just as much as Mom was. My mouth went dry.

Summer obviously wasn’t buying my excuse either. “You’ve never clammed up like this before, Maddie. Is it because you’ve been hanging around Logan? You can’t let that asshole mess with your head again.”

Of course she’d assume it was Logan’s fault. And it was, but not at all in the way she assumed.

Suddenly I felt exhausted. She’d come all the way home to see me, but I didn’t want to have to navigate this conversation. I didn’t know how to talk to her and keep her safe at the same time.

“He hasn’t,” I said with all the assurance I could muster. “I promise I’m fine, Summer. Things have just been crazy.” I motioned to the hospital around us.

But Summer knew that I’d gotten cagey ages before Mom’s accident. She shook her head. “I don’t think so. Something’s up with you. Why are you shutting me out, Madds? You know you can tell me anything.”

Not if I wanted to be sureshewouldn’t end up having an unfortunate accident too.Next time it might be fatal.

Guilt speared through my gut, but I knew it was nothing compared to how I’d feel if I was visiting her hospital room—or her grave—next.

“If there was anything to tell, I would,” I said with forced cheer, and backpedaled toward the doorway. “I actually just remembered something I need to pick up for Mom, though. And one of my professors asked me to look into a few things around town while I’m here that relate to our current unit. I wish I had more time to talk!”

No, I didn’t. I wished I hadn’t needed to talk at all. As I hustled away, feeling Summer’s stare burning into my back, my throat closed up.

I was being areallyshitty friend now, but I didn’t know how to be a better one, not with all the danger hanging over me. I guessed now I had some idea how Logan had felt every day for the past few years.

I just had to hope that Summer would forgive me when I finally could let her in on the horror show my life had become.



Keeley eyed my chosen date outfit skeptically.

“What?” I said, looking down at the short-sleeved top that displayed just a little cleavage and the jeans I thought showed what curves I had below to their best effect. “We’re just going to grab an ice cream in the park.”

My roommate clucked her tongue. “It’s cute, but not cute enough for a date with someone who’s at least a nine on the hotness scale.”

I glowered at her playfully. “I never should have showed you Beckett’s picture.”

“Oh, you just saved me badgering you endlessly until you gave in anyway.” She flashed me a smile. “But you know what, it looks perfectly Madelyn, and he’s obviously crazy about you, so don’t mind me. I’m just itching to get you into something really eye-catching.”

“One of these days,” I promised her, grabbing my light jacket, and headed out.

The spring afternoon was chilly enough that I tugged on the jacket as soon as I’d stepped outside. As I headed down the path toward the campus entrance, I spotted a familiar figure heading my way.

Slade slowed his graceful lope when our gazes met, a grin stretching across his face. “My favorite person. How lucky am I?”

“Where are you off to?” I asked, unable to stop myself from grinning like a maniac in return. It was a little odd to see him on campus on a weekend.

“I’m meeting Logan at the gym in a few. These muscles don’t build themselves.” He flexed his arm and winked at me. “How about you? Don’t tell me they’ve got you in classes even on a Sunday.”

My cheeks warmed. “No, ah, I’m actually getting picked up by Beckett for a date.”

Slade raised his eyebrows, still playful but with a twitch of some emotion in his expression that I couldn’t read. Maybe it was only a momentary jealousy that he’d quickly snuffed out, but something about it niggled at me.