Slade laughed. “No, I want to hear this guy’s explanation too. If Beckett figures he can handle you, I’m sure talking to us will be a breeze.”

Beckett arched an amused eyebrow at the implicit if teasing challenge. “I don’t find Maddie all that difficult to handle. And if you appreciate her as much as I do, then I’m sure you can understand why I’d want to confirm that we’re all on the same page.”

A sharper glint came into Slade’s eyes, his smirk stretching wider. “So you’re here to ask permission to get it on with her?”

I turned my glower on him, my cheeks flushing, but Beckett simply chuckled. “I don’t think I need your permission for that. I’m pretty sure Maddie can make her own decisions there. But I care a lot about her, so it makes me feel better to get a sense of who she’s hanging out with when I’m not around. I figured that’d go both ways.”

“And we’re supposed to trust that you’re good for her just because you stopped by to chat us up?” Logan asked.

Beckett cocked his head. “I’d think that’d be a better sign than if I wanted to lurk in the shadows, don’t you? We’re all interested in Maddie, and she’s interested in all of us. As long as that’s the case, I think it’s good if we’re comfortable with each other.”

Slade leaned back in his chair. “Are we supposed to believe that you don’t mind the competition at all?”

“I don’t see it as a competition,” Beckett said smoothly. “I think Maddie deserves every bit of devotion she can get. If you make her happy, of course I wouldn’t want to take that away from her. Why wouldn’t you want her to be as content as possible, even if that means she’s seeing more than one man?”

Logan fixed him with a hard stare. “That would mean assuming youaregoing to make her happy. I don’t think showing up here and giving a little speech about it proves anything.”

A sigh tumbled out of me. But before I could chide Logan for not giving this meeting more of a shot, Beckett kept going without a hint of offense. “That’s understandable. I guess we could find out.”

My gaze flicked back to him with a flash of confusion.

Slade’s eyebrows drew together, echoing my response. “What do you mean?”

Beckett gave me a measured glance, setting his hand on my back with a reassuring stroke of his thumb as if to tell me he’d defer to any interruption I made. Then he shifted his attention back to the guys. “Maybe we can’t determine right away who’ll make her happy in the long run… but we could see how well we can satisfy her in the moment.”

The lilt of his voice made his implications clear. My cheeks outright flared. “Um…”

Logan had already shifted forward on his feet. “You think we can’t ‘satisfy’ her? What makes you such a hot shot?”

Beckett raised his hands. “I’m not assuming anything. I’m just saying that we could discover now whether she’ll find the two of you so superior to me that I can’t offer her anything more. You’d even have the advantage of being able to work together to please her when I’ll only have myself to rely on. As long as Maddie’s on board with putting our skills to the test.”

He looked at me again with a twinkle in his eyes, slyer than I’d ever seen before but not at all unappealing. My mouth opened and closed again like I was a fish tossed onto a dock. I had no idea what to say.

He couldn’t really mean… Hooking up with each of them right here in the Vigil office? With the others watching? That was crazy.

So why was the idea sending a burning ache of need down through my chest to collect between my legs? A thrill shivered through me. I was abruptly giddy at the thought of being the center of all that attention, of having not one but three men intent on getting me off in every possible way.

MaybeIwas crazy. But I wasn’t sure that was a problem. Was this scenario any less crazy than sneaking into a gang-owned bar or tracking down a murderer? At least no one would be in any danger… Well, as long as Logan didn’t perfect that whole incineration by sight thing he was working on.

Slade wet his lips and pushed to his feet, looking at me like he wanted to set me on fire in a totally different way. When he glanced at Logan, the other guy hesitated and turned his gaze on me. I could tell they were startled but ready to rise to the challenge. Another rush of heat through my body had my panties dampening.

Yes, I’d done a lot of crazy things lately. So why shouldn’t I go wild in a way that was about nothing but enjoying ourselves? I bet if I texted Summer for advice, she’d tell me to go for it in a heartbeat. No one was holding me back but myself.

“Okay,” I blurted out, my voice steady but a little breathless. “I’m in.”

The temperature in the room seemed to rise by at least five degrees with that one statement. Beckett stepped back from me, nodding to the other two guys. “You’re welcome to go first.” His gaze slid to Dexter, who was now watching the proceedings with a slightly bewildered expression from the far end of the room. “Since you’re not directly involved, you can observe and evaluate who actually gives her a better time.”

I thought my cheeks would burn right off, but Dexter didn’t argue, only sat up straighter as if taking this duty very seriously. Logan and Slade walked up to me on either side. Logan’s gaze didn’t leave mine as he made a brusque gesture toward Beckett. “Lock the door.”

The command had me tingling with anticipation. My nipples tightened against my bra.

Slade slipped his arm behind my back and nuzzled my hair. “Are you sure about this, Piccolina?”

When he touched me like that, I was even more sure than before. I felt like I’d explode if both of these guys didn’t have their hands all over me in the next few seconds. I dragged in a breath. “Yeah.”

It was like the word set off a chain reaction of motion. Logan moved in front of me, hooking his thumb under my chin and tugging my mouth to his.

Heat rushed from his mouth all across my skin. I kissed him back, swaying toward him, a small sound carrying up my throat as his tongue prodded at the crease of my mouth. As my lips parted, he swept inside, his familiar taste meeting me. Our tongues tangled together, sending more sparks racing through my veins.