“Let me just grab my purse and jacket,” I said. “You can wait inside.”

“Come in, Bryan.” Felicity beamed, shooting me a knowing glance. From the faint smirk on her lips, I knew I was never going to hear the end of this.

I rushed upstairs and grabbed my things, praying that she wouldn’t pry too much. I trusted Bryan, but what if he’d decided that the right thing was to tell someone about what he saw?

“Okay, I’m all set.”

“Have fun you two.”

There was far too much suggestion in Felicity’s voice.

“Cindy said she might need me to stay until lock up, but I’ll text, okay?”

“If you need a ride home, call Jason.”

“I’ll be fine,”—they already did enough for me—“but thanks.” I ushered Bryan out of the door and followed him to his car.

“Peyton, I—”

“Not yet,” I said, slipping past him and climbing inside.

I knew this was coming, and yet, my heart still drummed at the prospect of talking about it.

Bryan knew.

He could wield that knowledge against me. Against Xander. If he was anyone else, someone with less morals or pure intentions he could use it as leverage.

But of all the people who could have found us the other night; in a way, I was glad it was him.

“Go on then, whatever you want to say, spit it out,” I said, the second the car rumbled to life.

“Shit, Peyton… I don’t even know where to start.”

“If you came to try and talk some sense into me, you wasted a journey. I know the risks, Bryan, it doesn’t change anything.”

“He’s ten years older than you, have some sense—”

“Age is just a number.”

“So you’re telling me you wouldn’t freak out if Lily or Ashleigh or Poppy came to you and told you they were dating a guy ten years older?” His eyes slid to mine and I pursed my lips.

Of course I’d freak out.

But I also liked to think I would give them a chance to explain before jumping to conclusions.

“This is an unusual circumstance,” I huffed.

“Because you almost…”

“Died. I almost died.” I flinched, shame nipping at my heels. “You can say it.”

“You’re fixated on him. You’ve got some kind of hero worship—”

“He saved me. He pulled me out of the river and saved me, Bryan. Of course there’s a connection there. But it isn’t just about that. Look,” I let out a deep sigh, “I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Try, Peyton. Try for me. Because I spent most of yesterday trying to weigh up if I was doing the right thing not telling anyone.”

“Bryan, you promised.” Panic welled inside me.