“She threatened to kill my whole family,” Madison said. “So I cooperated at first.”
“What did she have you do?” Elias asked.
“Weird shit. Kinky shit,” Madison said. “But I went along while I looked for a way out. When I found out what she was, I tried to run.”
Madison stopped talking and bit down on her lip. She looked like she was fighting tears.
I set my hand on hers. “You don’t have to tell us this if it’s too much.”
“You need to know what we’re dealing with.” She looked up, her jaw clenched, her nostrils flaring. “She killed them all. My whole family. Everyone.”
“And we’re the ones who get the bad reputation,” David said.
“Don’t act like you’ve never killed anyone’s whole family,” Xander said.
“I’ve never killed anyone’s family. That I promise you. I’ve done a lot of terrible things and I’ll own them all. Killing an innocent has never been one of them.”
I looked over at David, surprised by his admission. There was so much I didn’t know about him, but I had to admit, his brother painted him as quite the monster. When I stopped to consider, my own story was evidence that he was being honest. He hadn’t killed me or Xander despite the fact that I knew his power was great enough to have quickly ended us.
I had a lot to learn about my mates.
“Nobody deserves that,” Elias said, bringing me back to the conversation.
“She’s a monster,” I said.
“She is,” Madison agreed. “After that, I tried to kill myself. That’s when she switched to compulsion.” Madison shuddered. “The things she made me do.”
“Will you be able to handle this?” David asked.
I glared at him.
“I’m not being insensitive,” he said. “She’s been through a lot. Can she handle going back?”
“That’s a valid question,” Elias said.
“Madison, you don’t have to do this, we can find another way,” I said.
“There is no other way,” she said.
“I’d heard rumors of her cruelty but I didn’t know how bad it was,” Xander said. “This is our territory and we’re going to kick her to the curb. Consequences be dammed. We can’t have someone like that around.”
“What’s the plan, then?” David asked. “Is there a weakness in her security?”
Madison shook her head. “No. You can’t break in without getting caught. It’s too good.”
“So then what?” I asked.
“You have to get in through the front door.”
“How do we do that?” I asked. “Dress as waiters when she has a party?”
“Sort of,” Madison said.
“I was being sarcastic,” I said.
“I know you were. But the queen is having a party on Saturday. Security will be increased around the building, but she’ll be expecting hundreds of guests. Some of you will be able to get in right through the front door. The rest of you can get in through the guard entrance in the back. Assuming I still have clearance.”
“This sounds like the plot to a bad movie,” I said.