The long-haired vampire growled as he took a step toward me. I held my ground, my nostrils flaring as I let anger course through me. My dad had taught me to never fight angry. He said it dulled the senses, made you unpredictable and prone to mistakes.

That was well and good when you had a fair fight. I leaned into the anger, letting it flow through me. It felt like fuel. Power. I wasn’t going to hold back. No prisoners.

All three vamps were closing in on me now. Teeth bared, fangs lowered, their eyes were full black. They were hungry and I wasn’t sure they’d have the restraint to not feed from me if they got me subdued.

What I wouldn’t give for any kind of weapon right now. I shook the thought from my mind. I was the weapon.

With a chorus of growling, they lunged as a unit. I tensed like a spring, then released, landing a kick in the stomach of the nearest vamp. Without aiming, I threw a punch to my right, making contact with one of their jaws. The third grabbed hold of me, binding my arms to my side.

I twisted so I was facing him, then lifted my foot and slammed it down on his. He yelped and released me.

I scrambled away, bumping right into long haired vampire.

He grinned at me. “You’re fun. I’m going to enjoy this.”

I kicked him in the groin. “Still having fun?”

He buckled over, groaning as he grabbed his crotch. “You bitch.” He spit out the words but he didn’t move toward me.

I gave myself a moment to look at the other two vampires before deciding to take a step back and stare them down. “You still want a piece of me? I can do this all night.”

Arms went around me again and I gasped in surprise. I’d been so focused on the trio, I didn’t realize another vamp had joined the fight. One of the huge vampires with the large stomach had hold of me. He was soft and squishy, but his grip was firm. Under that extra padding, the dude was a powerhouse. I twisted and turned, trying to break free, but he held fast.

“You were saying?” One of the beanie wearing vamps said.

Long hair dude was upright now, glaring at me with palpable hatred. He opened his mouth, fangs bared as he stalked toward me. His gaze fixed on me, unblinking. He moved with the ease of a large cat, a predator stalking toward its prey.

Oh hell no.I was not going to be a vampire snack. I struggled against the iron grip of the large vampire, trying in vain to break free. I kicked my legs, tried to stomp on his feet, but he lifted me into the air so I was dangling. When I kicked and squirmed, he just held me tighter.

What the fuck? This dude was like some kind of super being. Vampires were stronger than humans, sure, but this was insane.

Fear gripped my chest with icy tendrils. I wasn’t going to get out of this. I was going to die.

No.A little voice seemed to scream from within. I wasn’t going down like this. I refused to be vampire food. I refused to fail in my mission to destroy the stone. I had to fight.

Anger surged through me, that bonfire of heat rushing through my veins. I embraced it, stoking the anger, letting the heat boil over. With a scream I released it.

Green fire erupted from my hands. The hellfire of a demon.

Only this time, I welcomed it.

The vampire holding me howled in pain as he dropped me. Green fire quickly engulfed him and he dropped to the ground, rolling around to attempt to quell the fire.

It continued to burn. The smell of burning flesh filled my nostrils but I pushed it away. The anger consuming me was all encompassing. These vampires were intending to kill me. Possibly even turn me. I wasn’t going to let that happen.

I stepped toward the three vampires who had previously looked so confident. Their expressions were different now. The green fire reflected in their empty, black eyes, showing they were wide with fear.

The long-haired vamp was visibly shaking as he stepped back from me. “We were just messing with you. We don’t need the stone that badly.”

Xander pushed his way past the vampires surrounding me. He was breathing heavy and his shirt was torn but otherwise, he looked unharmed.

As soon as I saw him, the anger inside me dissipated and I let out a little sigh of relief. The fire on my hands faded, leaving me with a tingling sensation where the flames had been.

I stumbled as a rush of exhaustion flowed through me, making me feel a little light headed. That magic cost me. I was familiar with the theory of using too much magic, but this was a first in experiencing the fatigue it could cause.

Xander’s warm hand moved to my back, offering gentle support. He didn’t need to say it, but I knew he’d catch me if I fell. My only saving grace was that I don’t think the vampires staring at us noticed my condition.

I glared at them, trying my best to show strength. I wanted them to think I could throw more hellfire their way.