“Shelly didn’t know.”

“Elias?” Xander let the word hang between us.

My breath caught. He wouldn’t tell anyone about me, would he? After everything we’d been though. By the end of our two days together, I thought I could trust him. But where was he?

“Where did he say he was going earlier today?” I asked. “And I’m not saying I think he did it.”

“He didn’t say. Enforcer stuff, that’s all I got,” Xander said.

“Enforcer stuff. What the hell does that mean?” I wondered if Elias would be waiting for us when we arrived at the safe house.

“You trust him?” Xander asked.

“I thought I did,” I admitted.

“What if he’s playing you? What if there isn’t a bond between the two of you?”

My face felt hot. I dug my fingernails into my thighs as I thought back to everything that had passed between us. Was I certain about him? Could I trust him? Could I trust myself? Weren’t incubi masters at seduction? It was possible that everything I was feeling was induced by magic.

“I felt something between us. But what if I didn’t? What if it wasn’t real?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure anyone but you can answer that.” Xander kept his eyes on the road.

I was grateful that he wasn’t looking at me right now. I was confused enough already without having to feel judged. Xander was giving me space the only way possible within the confines of the destroyed car.

“I can’t believe this thing is still running,” I said, desperate for a change of subject.

Xander chuckled. “Same. I think wherever we stop is going to be this car’s final resting place. My grandpa is going to be pissed when I tell him what happened.”

“I’m sorry about the car,” I said.

“Don’t worry, I’m counting on making you help me fix it later.” He looked over at me with a grin.

My eyes met his and my whole body relaxed. It was as if we weren’t running from hunters or demons. Right now, it was just the two of us alone in this car. For a heartbeat, I felt like things might be okay. Xander made me feel safe and there was a sense of hope that surrounded him.

I wanted to keep feeling that. I wanted to find a way to embrace a future with him. There was no way of knowing where our next steps would take us, but I found myself desperate for a happy ending so we could find out where this thing between us would take us.

It was dark by the time we pulled into Dead Man’s Alley. We passed a group of teenage vampires spray painting the side of an ancient factory. I had to wonder if some of them were hundreds of years old and still finding ways to indulge their teenage fantasies from the life they lost out on.

Most vampires were turned freely, but that wasn’t always the case. Long ago, vampires were turned for their beauty or as punishment. Some of the stories were horrific. Young people kidnapped by brutal vampire lords who had specific tastes. The lucky ones were bled dry and left for dead. Some were played with for years, treated as prisoners before being turned when they reached an age deemed appropriate.

Now, it was illegal to turn anyone under twenty and all new vampires were supposed to be approved by the Queen’s council. I had no idea if the rules were followed, but I didn’t spend enough time around vampires to ask questions.

We passed the crumbling cathedral where the Clover Coven lived and I shuddered. Thankfully, we weren’t stopping there tonight. Of all the places to hide out, this had to be my last choice.

I was grateful for the safe house, but the sooner we could get away from here the better.

“I’ll park at the end of the block and we can walk the rest of the way,” Xander said. “Walk like you own the place and they should ignore us.”

“Got it,” I said, sounding braver than I felt. I didn’t have any weapons on me. We’d left it all behind so we didn’t disrespect Xander’s family. Now, I wished I’d stashed something away. Though, I supposed if I’d left it on his bike, I’d be just as unarmed as I was now.

The car rattled as we slowed, followed by a sputtering sound. Something squealed in the engine as we pulled up to the side of the road. I winced, sure we were drawing far too much attention to ourselves.

When Xander killed the engine, the car literally shook. Probably it’s death rattle. We’d put the car through a lot today.

“Let’s hope your demon is waiting for us,” Xander said.

I grabbed the book, pulling it against my chest. “Let’s go.”