He was standing right in front of me. Whatever he did didn’t impact the two of us.

“What’s going on here?” I asked.

“A little dream magic, love,” he said.

“Don’t call me that.” I balled my hands into fists. This had to be a game. He was going to demand the stone any second and I was going to have to flee or fight.

“The magic won’t work on demons,” he said. “When I release them, you’ll want to move fast.”

“Why are you helping me?” I asked.

“You could thank my by giving me that stone,” he said.


He looked down, his gaze dropping to my neck. The locket felt like it weighed a hundred pounds on my neck. It took all my willpower not to grab it protectively. I had a feeling he knew exactly where the stone was. The thing messing with me was why he wasn’t taking it. It wasn’t like I could do much to fight him off.

His eyes moved back to mine and I sucked in a breath. Despite myself, shivers ran down my spine right to my core. Stupid incubus activating my stupid, traitorous libido. I knew it was his magic but it still pissed me off.

“You haven’t even asked me what I want the stone for,” he said. “Maybe you and me want the same thing. We could work together.”

“I doubt that,” I said. “And I work alone.”

“Liar.” He lifted his chin toward Xander. “You’re a regular alpha leading the most unusual pack I’ve ever seen. A wolf shifter, an incubus, a few mages. For a lone wolf, you’re making friends rather quickly.”

“Leave them out of this,” I said.

He leaned in closer, his lips brushing my cheek before he settled by my ear. I gasped, the hair on my neck standing on edge. I should have pushed him away, but I hesitated.

David whispered, his hot breath sending a delicate tingle across my skin. “Next time we meet, I will take that stone or you will give it to me. We’re either on the same team, or you are my enemy.”

“Then help me.” The words tumbled out before I could think it through. “If you’re so interested in being on the same team, help me.”

“What’s in it for me?” His finger moved up my arm sending a delicious chill in its wake.

I could feel everything. His warm breath, his body brushing against mine. I swore I could feel the beat of his heart but that was insane. This whole thing was insane. Yet, I stood there, holding my breath, half wanting more.

His tongue flicked against my earlobe and a soft moan escaped my lips. Quickly, I moved away. My body was reacting and my brain was fuzzy. I couldn’t think clearly. “Stop using your incubus magic on me.”

He laughed. “I’ve never used magic to make you feel anything for me.”

He stepped back from me, then walked over to the car, setting his palm on the hood. The car bounced as a web of green lightning spread over the hood. He lifted his hand and stepped back. “You should go. We’ll see each other soon, love.”

I gritted my teeth at his insistence on calling me cute names. He was giving me a pass and he had saved my life. This one time, I’d ignore it. Besides, I needed him to leave before my traitorous body did something I’d regret.

I watched as David walked past the assassin. His two hellhound friends were waiting for him in their human form. Around them was a pile of bodies. Strike that, it was a pile of body parts, mostly.

I swallowed back the urge to vomit. Why did they have to go that far? Elias exploded vampires, the hellhound twins ripped them to pieces. Why couldn’t anyone just stake them like civilized vampire killers?

A yell broke the eerie silence and all of a sudden, things were moving again. David had released whatever magic he was using.

“Don’t let them get away!” One of the vampires shouted.

The assassin fell to the ground, crying out in agony. Growling, howls, and screaming filled the air.

“Go,” David said.

I turned to Xander. “Back in the car.”