I tilted back his chin and plugged his nose. I took a CPR class in middle school, but it had been a long time. At this point, I was pretty sure I couldn’t make him worse. I placed my mouth on his and blew in a breath. Then another.

When I blew the third, his mouth moved, his lips reacting to me. As if on instinct, I kissed him back, abandoning the mouth to mouth.

I pulled away and looked at his now open eyes. My whole chest was filled with giddy flutters at seeing him alive. “Thank god.”

“Kiss me again,” he said.

I wanted to. I did. Every part of my body was practically screaming to be with him, but now was not the time.

“Please,” he said. His tone was desperate, pleading. I’d never heard him speak like that.

“Can’t it wait?” I asked. “We’ve got to finish this.”

“I can’t move,” he admitted.


“The dart,” Heidi said. “It’s like the one they shot the vampire with.”

“Murderer is dead?” Elias asked.

I nodded.

“You’re safe,” he said, a smile on his lips. “Kiss me, please.”

“Oh, just humor him,” Heidi said. “He’s either dying or really hurt. Plus, if you won’t kiss him, I will.”

“Do you think now is the time?” I hissed.

“I’m an incubus,” he whispered so low only I could hear him. “I need it.”

Of course he was. David had confessed that to me in the bathroom. Why would Elias be different? While most of us went our whole lives never meeting a Demon, it was common knowledge that Incubi got their magic from sex.

My cheeks heated and flutters of anticipation filled my chest. I’d been drawn to him without knowing why but him being an incubus cleared a lot of that up. Was all of my attraction from his magic?

“I won’t hurt you,” he said.

“I know you won’t.” I knew he wouldn’t hurt me but I didn’t know if this was real. I felt things for him, but that was part of his magic.

I was in so much trouble with this. Never get emotionally involved in a hunt. I had broken that rule over and over the moment someone brought my best friend into this mess. Now, I was adding to it by letting my feelings get mingled up in something that was probably nothing more than food for him.

I wanted him. Even if it was his magic calling to me.

Gently, I leaned down and carefully set my lips on his. I wasn’t afraid of him hurting me, especially not in his state, but I was afraid I’d hurt him.

He kissed me back with an intensity that nearly knocked me backward. His lips moving in time with mine, the perfect amount of pressure, the perfect motions; a perfect kiss.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and I moaned as he flicked it against mine. It was just a kiss, but I was feeling the effects of it all the way to my center. Who gets wet from a kiss?

Tingles spread up and down my arms as he nipped at my lower lip. I tangled my hand into his dark hair and resisted the urge to climb on top of him. I was panting now, feeling like a woman in heat, ready to move to second base. Fuck that, I was ready for a home run.

A hand slid up my back, then fingers worked their way into my hair. A second hand was on my hip and a moment later, I was on my side, with a demon pressed against me.

I broke the kiss and stared into his dark eyes. His arms were around me, holding me in an intimate embrace. I didn’t want to leave. I never wanted to leave.

“Wow,” Heidi said. “I was ready to grab some popcorn.”

I shimmied out of his hold, my face burning in embarrassment. I wasn’t exactly the exhibitionist type.