Chapter Nineteen


The sun was low in the sky as we pulled away from Shelly’s. I wasn’t sure what we’d encounter with the Clover Coven but their vendetta against the High Moon Pack was enough to make them suspect. Add in the rumor Elias’s informant passed along about one of them bragging, and it seemed like we were finally on the right path.

The hard part was finding enough information from our visit to find out who was directly connected. Maybe we’d get lucky and the asshole would be at their nest when we arrived.

“You have a plan for this?” I asked.

“When did you and Xander become athing?” Elias asked.

“There’s nothingbetween me and Xander.”

“Do you always kiss random shifters?” he asked.

“Oh no. You’re not going to throw shade at me after what you pulled outside the townhouse. You kissed me this afternoon, too, if you don’t remember.”

“I remember,” he said. “You also kissed me back.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have,” I said.

“You definitely shouldn’t have. Xander’s better for you,” he said.

“Change the subject now,” I demanded. “We’re in the middle of something far bigger than who I do or don’t kiss.”

He cleared his throat. “When we arrive, let me do the talking. One of the high-ranking members owes me a favor. I might be able to cash it in.”

“You waited until now to tell me that?” I asked. “Why didn’t you just make a phone call?”

“There are protocols you have to follow. I want to keep this relationship in good standing and not get blacklisted.”

“You work for their queen, shouldn’t they give you whatever you want?” I asked.

“We’ll see. Now that David’s involved, we need to tread lightly.” He sounded nervous. That wasn’t a good sign.

“Is it going to fuck everything up if I go in with you?” I asked.

“There’s no way it’s not already common knowledge that we’re working together,” he said. “Trying to hide it will look bad.”

“Great.” I shook my head. “I’m sure they’re going to love me waltzing in there. You know, I’ve put several of their members behind bars. And I think I’ve given a few the final death.”

“I know,” he said. “Just let me take the lead and I think we can get what we need and get out of there alive.”

“You sound so optimistic,” I said.

“We’ll be fine, I’m sure.” He turned onto the freeway and hit the gas. “You have your stake just in case, though, right?”

I reached for my hidden pocket at the rear waistband of my pants. The stake was where I’d placed it after I changed. I didn’t even remember moving it there, but it was second nature. So many things I did in my life were out of habit. I’d grown up in the hunting world, a shadow hiding from two other worlds.

“I’ve got it,” I said. “I will defend myself if needed, but you realize if we kill one of them on their property, we’ll be in deep shit.”

“I know,” he said.

“On the other hand, if we let that stone get into your brother’s possession, or whoever else is after it, we’re facing a war.”How had I gotten into this mess?

“We’re not going to let any of those things happen,” he said. “And if they do, they won’t be your fault.”

“I never said they were,” I said. “I’m pretty sure you’re tied up in all of it somehow, though.”