“Don’t worry,” enforcer said. “I’m sure he won’t last long after I question him.”

Huh. Imagine that. Looked like the enforcer had a little bit of a dark streak. Maybe we weren’t so different after all.

“Go on, it’s all there.” The enforcer was holding out a small pile of cash.

I considered taking it, but before I could, something slammed into me. I landed hard on the ground, Vincent’s heaving, naked form on top of me. My stake went flying and my hands were pinned to the ground.

The vampire growled as he lowered his face toward my neck with a hungry growl.

“Oh, fuck no!” There was no way I was going to be a snack today. Especially not for a mark I was supposed to be taking out. This was all that stupid enforcer’s fault. I was never distracted and I’d never been pinned down by a mark. Dammit. This was so not my night.

I pulled my knees up, then used my feet to push Vincent. He was heavy and didn’t budge despite my pressing.So you want to play it like that?

Using my boot heel, I dug down to where I hoped the family jewels were. Based on the sudden release of my wrists and the yelp of pain, I hit my target.

I rolled away just as the creature unleashed his full vampire side. Fangs fully extended, eyes black upon black, he lunged for me. I grabbed my stake and lifted it, ready to strike.

Just as Vincent was about to leap on me, he exploded in a mess of blood and guts and goo. I closed my eyes and mouth and tried to cover my face with my arm. It hardly helped. I could still taste the dead vampire.

I rolled on to stomach and spat on the ground before jumping to my feet and using my sleeves to wipe my face.

The enforcer was staring at me, his hands lifted in front of him. Gold sparks crackled on his fingertips.

“What the fuck?” I was staring at him, wide eyed. I’d killed my share of vampires. I’d never made one explode like that. Especially not with my bare hands. Nobody could. You had to stake them in the heart. And sure it was messy, but not bits of flesh and vampire entrails sticking to your favorite leather pants kind of messy. This was something else entirely. “What are you?”