“You have to be the worst enforcer ever,” I said. “How often do you drop what you’re supposed to be doing for secret missions? You’re working for Queen Marcella and have something going on with your brother.”

“I never said those weren’t connected,” he said. “But I’m only an enforcer to get access to what I need for the Queen.”

“Then tell them the truth about last night. Tell them you happened to walk by. Or use your magic to make them forget they accused me. Then you can let me go about my business and we can be done with this false partnership.” I was breathing heavy and my jaw was clenched. All of this was too much. I never asked for any of this. I didn’t want to be involved in some shifter plot to hide an artifact and I certainly didn’t want to be involved in whatever the fuck the vampires had going on with Elias.

“Look, I need you to trust me on this. I know you’re angry about your friend’s death but with my brother on the trail, I think it’s bigger than we first thought. It’s not just clan warfare. It’s something worse,” he said.

“Are you serious right now? First of all, I’m not just angry, my heart was broken. I lost my best friend. She wasn’t just some person I lived with. She was my only family. The only person I could trust.” Tears streamed down my cheeks and I didn’t try to stop them this time. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I hated that he was seeing me lose it, but I couldn’t handle the casual dismissal of Lola.

“She mattered and she cared about others and she didn’t deserve any of this.”

“I’m sorry,” he said.

I turned away from him and looked out the window for a minute while I wiped the tears from my face. I didn’t even know if Lola would get a proper funeral or if I’d be free to attend. I could end up behind bars or executed. That bothered me less than having my name linked to her death. Neither of us deserved that.

I’d done a lot of questionable moral things, but there were lines I would never cross. As far as hunters went, I prided myself on my remaining moral compass. Sure, there wasn’t much of one left, but it was there. It had to count for something. I always freed the trapped victims I found and I never hurt any of them in the crossfire. Other hunters weren’t as kind.

“I need you to trust me, Skylar,” he said softly.

I turned back to him. “Why on earth would I trust you? You’ve done nothing to earn my trust.”

“I could have wiped your memory last night and you’d be in jail right now with a blank spot in your mind. You’d be wondering if you killed your friend and blacked it out,” he said.

I glared at him. “You’re a monster.”

“I know,” he said. “But I promise you that if we can’t find Lola’s killer in time, I will fix this for you. You won’t go to jail.”

“How am I supposed to trust you?” I asked.

“You don’t have a choice,” he said. “I’m the only one who can fix this for you. You need me.”

I shook my head as I kept him locked in my gaze. I hated that he was right. I hated that I was stuck with him. If I fled, I would look guilty and my name would end up with a bounty attached to it.

“I hate you, I hope you know that,” I said.

“I do,” he said. “I can live with that.”

“I’m sure you can,” I said. “I’m starting to wonder if maybe your brother is the one on the right side.”

He slammed on the breaks and pulled the car over to the side of the road. I flew forward and hit the dashboard.

“What the fuck?” I asked as I scooted back into the seat.

He parked the car and turned on me, leaning forward so his face was inches from mine. His eyes were wild, his expression angrier than I’d ever seen it. My breath caught and fear gripped me.

“My brother sold our sister to a gangster,” he said. “He traded family secrets for power and aligned with our enemies. You think I’m a monster? My brother makes me look like a kitten.”

“Even kittens have claws,” I snapped.

“Yes, they do. I won’t deny that I’ve got my own skeletons, but even my darkest moments pale in comparison to what my brother has done.” His eyes caught mine and he stared at me in silence for several long moments. “I will never hurt you. While you are with me, I will protect you. But if he gets a hold of that stone before us, I can’t guarantee that any of us will be safe ever again.”

I was transfixed, holding my breath as I looked back at him. A shiver ran down my spine and I found myself, once again, believing him.

Elias scared me. But there was something there, a pull that made me feel like he was honest when he said he’d protect me. And it sent a thrill through me. Nobody had ever offered to protect me before. Not that I usually needed protection, but it was strange being around someone who was looking out for me. I couldn’t wrap my head around how it was making me feel. I was confused but comforted, despite the fact that I knew I needed to get away from Elias as soon as possible.

“We should go, then,” I said.

He nodded, then moved away from me and started driving. I realized my heart was racing and my whole body was tingling. Something strange had passed between us and it was freaking me out.