Chapter Fourteen


We raced past the hotel and through the parking lot of the business center. The parking lot was full now, giving us more cover. Squatting on the ground, the two of us waited in silence.

A car drove by but it didn’t stop. Footsteps made me peek over the window but it was a few people in khakis headed to their car. They were engaged in conversation and had no idea there was anything odd going on.

That was a good sign. It meant the cops weren’t nearby. Humans had this weird habit of stopping and staring at anything they thought they might find interesting. Even if it meant blocking emergency personnel or otherwise getting in the way. I’d seen them cause accidents simply by slowing down to stare at someone else’s misfortune. It was a strange flaw of theirs.

“Come on,” I said, reaching a hand down to Elias as I stood.

He accepted and stood before looking around. “We need to get back to my car.”

“Don’t you think they’ll have your car tracked or something?” I asked.

“If my brother realized it was my car, it won’t be there when we get back. He’s not really the tracking type. He’s more the blow shit up so you can’t use it type.”

“Salt the earth after the battle, huh?” I asked.

“You have no idea how close you are with that comment,” he said.

“Are you going to explain any of this to me or is it just another tally in thekeep Skylar in the darkcategory?” I put my hands on my hips and gave him my most judgmental look. This whole thing was starting to get very old. It was one thing to ignore why he had the magic he did or even why he showed up at the hotel last night. But the whole brother and a couple of shifters trying to take us out is going a little far.

“Tell you what, after this is over, I’ll try to explain what I can. Right now, we need to follow our lead and get you off the wanted list,” he said.

I shook my head. “Not good enough. Those guys could have killed me.”

“You handled yourself just fine,” he said.

“First of all, I handled myself like a badass. Second, I deserve to know if I’m going to be jumped again.” I was losing patience for all of this.

“They won’t strike again until they heal up a bit,” he said as he started walking.

I grabbed his hand and held him, making him stop. He turned to me. “What?”

“Speaking of healing.” I lifted my fingers to his injured face. “Are you okay?”

He caught my hand and lowered it. “I’m fine. We need to get out of here. Just because I don’t think they’ll attack again, doesn’t mean I couldn’t be wrong.”

“I thought I had it bad as a hunter,” I said. “Always worried someone would chase me down for taking out their brother or something. I can’t imagine what you had to do to have your kin hunting you.”

“It’s a long story.” He started walking again. “But we really should go.”

“How did he find you? I thought you said that place was warded.” In theory, nobody should have been able to sense our presence or find the specific room we were in. Even if they tracked his car, the fact that they found and waited outside our exact room was too much of a coincidence. The room should have felt empty if they used their senses.

“It is,” he said. “But he’s got his ways.”

“Wonderful,” I said. “So an unknown magic user with ways of tracing through wards may or may not be coming after us sometime soon.”

“Sounds right,” Elias said.

I looked over at him and caught the rare smile. “So glad this is amusing to you.”

“I’m not sure why you’re so mad, you came out of it just fine,” he said.

“You are a very frustrating whatever you are, you know that?” I asked.

We’d reached his car and he held his hand up, gesturing for me to stop. I froze in place while he walked around it, floating his hand over the exterior of the car.