“You want to do this now?” he asked.

“Oh, honey, I’ve been waiting for weeks to dance with you.” I smiled sweetly as I twirled the stake in my palm.

He growled, showing his fangs. “You’re not going to be smiling when I’m done with you, girlie.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Girlie?”

He growled again as he lunged toward me, his arms outstretched. I was already across the room when he closed his arms around nothing but air.

With a hiss, Vincent turned toward me, his eyes flashing in anger. I tightened my grip around the stake in my hand.

He lunged for me again, knocking over a chair in the process and landing on his side with a thud. With a grunt, he threw the chair across the room and the remaining human woman started screaming. I glanced at her and the glassy look was gone.

“Get out of here!” I yelled.

She grabbed a dress off the ground and pulled it over her head while she beelined it for the door. At least I didn’t have to worry about the humans anymore. We weren’t really supposed to let them see our business, but I was guessing she wasn’t going to register that I was holding a stake or that the man growling at me had fangs. Most humans ignored what they couldn’t explain.

“Shall we?” I returned my attention to Vincent.

He had something in his hands now and was baring his teeth at me. He was also still naked.

I rolled my eyes and sidestepped an overturned chair, giving him an easier path to get to me. If he charged me again, I could stake him without guilt. Not that I was even sure I was capable of guilt after ten years of doing this job.

“You bitch, you’re not going to get me,” he screamed and threw something at me. A bong, maybe? I didn’t really see what it was as it flew past my head. It slammed against the wall and shattered in a satisfying kind of way.

“Are you going to charge me again or do you want to do this like civilized people?” I asked. “Last warning for me to bring you in alive.”

His eyes moved toward the open door. The one I’d walked right through because he couldn’t be bothered to lock it.

“Don’t even think about it,” I said. “You give me a reason to chase you and you’re finished.”

He was such a young vamp and he moved like a human. He was slow, clumsy, and careless. If he made a run for it, he wouldn’t stand a chance. We both knew it.

I could see the muscles in his body tensing, his eyes darted between me and the door. The dumbass was considering it. Well, he wasn’t turned for his intelligence, either.

“Don’t, please, don’t make me do it,” I deadpanned. It was nonsense. He knew it, I knew it. Once a hunter was sent after you, there wasn’t much chance for escape.

I might look innocent enough, but my trademark pale blue and silver hair had to have given me away. I had a reputation after all and I was damn proud of that. I had a feeling even someone as low on the ladder as Vincent had heard about the lone wolf who rarely let her marks live. I could sense the fear behind his bravado.

“Try me, blood bag,” I shifted so I was standing between him and the door. “I dare you.”

“Freeze!” someone shouted from behind me.

I tensed and while keeping my eyes on the vampire in front of me, I stepped to the side enough that I could catch a glimpse of whoever had joined the party.

He was tall, dark, and handsome in an uptight, conforming kind of way. I knew right away that I was dealing with someone in law enforcement.Shit.I’d gone three years without a run in with a cop and go figure it happens on what should be an easy, quick, in and out case.

“Put down the stake and step aside. I’m taking over,” he said as he walked into the room.

Oh hell no.If this asshole thought he could come in and take my bounty, he was out of his fucking mind. “I don’t think so. I don’t share credit or share my fee.”

It was clear now that he wasn’t a human cop. Maybe he just dressed like one. Whatever he was, he was trying to worm his way in on someone else’s bounty. “You’re not a member of the guild, are you?”

He pulled something out of his pocket and I lifted my stake higher. Like I’m dropping my weapon. What was this guy thinking? There’s still a vampire standing awkwardly, and nakedly - is that even a word? - a few feet from me. And let me tell you, the cold air in here was not doing him any favors.

Newcomer lifted up what looked like a wallet and the flap fell to reveal a shiny metal badge. I lifted my eyebrows in surprise. He was a cop, but not the human kind.

“Enforcer, step aside,” he said.