Chapter Fifteen


Fog rolled in around my ankles and I jumped back, worried it would be something toxic. As it curled around my legs, I tried to remain calm. So far, it wasn’t making me feel any different and I could still breathe. As the fog rose, the trio in front of us separated, as if preparing to attack. David moved in front of me.

I shifted my position so I could be closer to the shifter twins. I figured Elias was the best suited to take on his brother. The fog continued, making it difficult to see. I reached for my knife. This was what they wanted. They were trying to confuse us, make it more difficult for us to fight. I wasn’t going to allow it.

Shifters had better vision than mortals, but even we couldn’t see through fog. I could however sense their movements, I could feel their elevated emotions, their desire for blood. It sent my heart pounding and I was sure they could hear it.

A snarl nearby and a whoosh of air told me the battle was on. I allowed my senses to fully open, something I rarely did, and I could almost feel the positions of the others in the bar.

Gripping my knife, I moved forward cautiously. I couldn’t risk striking Xander with this and while I wasn’t sure what Elias was, a knife in his side certainly wouldn’t feel great.

Someone growled and turned toward the sound. I could just barely make out the shape of one of the twins in his wolf form. “You want more of my blade?”

He charged and I could make out the massive paws reaching for me. I dodged and swiped with my knife, but missed the creature. He adjusted and moved forward, prowling slowly this time. I wasn’t going to wait for him to cage me in.

Light on my toes, I feigned attack to the right then quickly changed direction. I managed to reach the wolf, my knife poised above his shoulder blade. Just before I could get the blade in, something huge slammed into me and knocked me down.

The second wolf was on top of me, pinning me in place with his huge paws. The weight of him on my chest made me cry out against the heavy pressure. I could almost feel my ribs giving way and I worried they’d crack. I struggled to breathe but I still had my weapon.

Without hesitation, I slammed the blade into the creature’s neck. He howled then snapped his jaw at me before using his paw to swipe at my face.

My cheeks burned from the fresh claw marks, my eyes watering as I winced against the pain.

I struggled under his paws, trying to free myself, trying to grab for my knife, but he held me fast.

It was as if the silver of my blade had no impact on him. I lifted my legs, using them to push against his soft belly. He didn’t budge.

What the fuck?

When we’d fought earlier, he’d gone down so easily. Terror struck me, rendering me frozen for a moment. I’d been duped. They’d held back, lulled me into a false sense of security.

Drool fell to my cheek as the growling creature lowered its jaws closer to me. I could smell his putrid breath coming out in warm pants like a dog. I turned my face away, trying to breathe through my mouth, swallowing back the vomit threatening to rise from my belly.

My heart raced, my mind was blank. How was I going to get out of this? I twisted, grunting as I tried to wiggle out of his hold on me. He didn’t even budge against my attempts.

My blade was still in his side. Why wasn’t it bothering him? I glared at the monster. “Get off me, asshole.”

He almost looked like he was smiling now. This beast was enjoying holding me here. But why hold me and not finish me off? It wouldn’t take much for him.

I reached out and grabbed the handle of my knife and yanked it out of his side. As I lifted it to stab him again, another paw appeared and knocked the blade out of my hand.

The second shifter had joined us and from what I could make out of him through the fog he looked pissed.

I was not going to die this way.

Rage bubbled inside me. These males were connected to the death of my best friend. Elias had said they didn’t kill her, but if they were after the stone, they were part of this. If they’d have found her first, she’d still be dead. They fought dirty and they seemed to get off on torturing people before they killed them.

That was not going to happen to me. I was not going to go down easy. If they were expecting me to give up and die, they were wrong. Maybe they’d win in the end, but I’d take at least one of them out with me.

With a battle cry, I called on all my strength. I lifted my arms and legs at the same time and pushed, hoping the adrenaline was enough to do something.

Flames appeared out of nowhere, catching the fur of the monster on top of me. He yowled and released me, leaping backward before dropping to the ground. A moment later, he faded into the fog, the flames gone but the scent of burning fur lingering in the air.

The second creature growled as he stepped away from me, disappearing from view. I looked around for Elias, ready to scream at him. Somehow, he’d managed to perfectly aim that fire at the wolf and miss burning me, but at what risk? And how the hell did he manage to keep that magic hidden from me in our last few battles?

That’s when I realized I was on fire.