It’s cheesy, but I can’t help but smile. “You don’t even know me.”

“I want to,” he says. “Look, you’re here for a while. You might as well try to enjoy life a little.”

It’s hard to argue with him when he’s making so much sense. “Alright. Saturday night? Pick me up at eight?”

“You got it,” he says. “Can I walk you to your next class?”

“Sure,” I say as I dig my schedule out. Since it changes so often, it’s almost impossible to remember. “I’ve got history next.”

“I know the way,” he says.

We walk to my next class matching steps comfortably. It’s easy being around him and I nearly forgot how much fun we had together before we got separated.

When we reach my classroom, I wave goodbye and actually feel excited about Saturday night.

I just have to get through the next two days first.

History class is my favorite. Only because we sit in our chairs and listen to the professor drone on for an hour twice a week. We don’t have to cast spells or battle classmates or even talk to anyone. We just sit.

I take my usual place in the second row and pull a notebook out so I can attempt to look like I care about the lecture. Most days I do take notes, only because there’s nothing else to do. But sometimes I doodle instead. Today might be a doodle day just for the stress relief.

Professor Perry walks into the room. He’s an older demon with blue skin and an impressive pair of horns growing out of his head. Freaked me the fuck out the first time I saw him. Funny how that works. Now it’s normal to see him walk in with his hipster glasses and his sweater vest.

Out of all the teachers here, he reminds me of my old professors the most. He’s mild mannered and seems passionate about his subject. He even wears the occasional cardigan with elbow patches. If not for the bright blue skin and horns, he’d fit in at my old university. It makes me a little homesick.

“We’ve completed our study of the demon wars and now it’s time for each of you to become a historian,” he says.

I set my pencil down. This is where we get assigned a paper. If I’m lucky, maybe we’ll be dismissed so we can go start now and I can take a nap.

“You’ll each be conducting original research on a topic of your choice within the realm of the demon wars. But don’t worry, you’ll have a research partner to help you along the way.” He smiles as if this is the nicest thing anyone could do.

I groan inwardly and feel like smacking my head on the desk. The last thing I want to do is spend one on one time with any of the students in my school.

Well, that’s not true. There’s a few I might be okay with, but they aren’t in this class.

“And to make things extra exciting, you’re being paired based on your ranking,” he says.

My eyes widen. Where was my rank today? I hadn’t even looked. Who was I next to?

“Liam Drake, since you are ranking first, you’ll be partnered with Harper Love, who is third. The second place student isn’t in our course. Malachi Stone, you’re with Chloe Brown…”

He continues reading names, but I’m not listening anymore. I’m trying too hard not to look at the last person I want to be in a group with. Liam Drake. I haven’t spoken to him since my first day here.

Finally, I bring myself to look over to where he’s sitting. He’s got a wicked grin on his lips and he blows me a kiss.

Fuck my life.