We didn’t have to wait long. When the last student came through, Coach Miller blew a whistle.

“I officially call the Trials of the Academy of the Elites to an end,” he said. “And for the first time in six years, every student who participated completed the trials. Zero casualties.”

We all cheered.

“It’s party time, now, right?” Luka asked.

“The celebration will be in the ballroom at nightfall,” Dr. Green said. “Congratulations to all of you.”

* * *

Last timeI’d been in the ballroom for a party, it hadn’t gone as I hoped. Makayla and I walked in together, hand in hand, both of us haunted by that night.

The party was in full swing when we arrived. Colored lights flashed and a disco ball hung in the middle of the room, adding to the effect. Loud bass vibrated up through my feet from the DJ spinning in the corner.

Students were already on the dance floor, their bodies moving and grinding to the music.

I looked over at Makayla and smiled. Her eyes sparkled with joy and the tension she had walking in seemed to be gone.

“We deserve this,” she said.

“Yes we do,” I agreed.

“I’m going to get trashed,” she said, laughing.

“Lead the way to the bar, my friend,” I said.

The two of us linked elbows and wove our way through the crowd toward the bar near the DJ. We sipped drinks and caught up on the last few weeks. I told her about the shadow fae during the trials and she lifted her glass. “Here’s to my best friend, the most kick ass woman in the world.”

I laughed and knocked my glass against hers. “Thanks.”

Remi walked up to us. “Can I borrow my girlfriend for a dance?”

“She’s all yours,” I said, lifting my glass.

Makayla knocked back the rest of her drink and winked at me. “See ya later.”

“Have fun, you two,” I said.

They cut through the crowd to the middle of the dance floor. As I watched them, I caught sight of my men. All four of them, walking toward me.

The sight of them still sent a shiver of desire through me. Especially the way they were all looking at me.

They made their way through the crowd and stopped in front of me. All four of them, together. It wasn’t something I saw happen often.

“We had an idea,” Zach said.

“Oh?” I took a drink. “What kind of idea?”

“About us, after graduation,” he said.

My stomach twisted. I was feeling more confident about finding a way to keep them all with me, but I hadn’t yet nailed down what that would look like. “And?”

“I turned down my title,” Luka said.

My brow furrowed.

“Us too,” Zach said. “Well, we’re stepping away from the family business.”