“Because once again, it’s about power. Only this time, it’s about the type of power that comes with control. The ley lines and the methods of traveling between realms are heavily policed by the various government organizations. If individuals could travel between at will, they’d lose that control,” she said.

“Wow.” I was still new to supernatural politics but it sounded similar to what I’d experienced in the human world. “Alright. So what does that mean for me?”

“It means that you have a gift,” she said. “Which I assume will come in handy considering the fact that one of your mates is from another realm.”

My gut twisted uncomfortably. I didn’t like to think about Luka being so far away from me. Ever. I wanted him by my side always. I wanted all of them by my side. And for the last several days, we’d all been sharing the Obscura suite. Granted, it was larger than any home I’d ever lived in so it wasn’t exactly like we were on top of each other. But they were all there. I could call to any of them and they’d hear me. It was perfect and it made me feel more at peace than I ever knew I could feel.

“Alright, how do we do this?” I asked.

“That’s your test,” she said. “You’ve been studying it for weeks now. I can’t tell you how to do it. You have to show me what you know.”

“But this is real,” I said. “What if I screw it up?”

“Then we’ll learn quickly just how effective your magic is,” she said.

“Let’s begin.”

Bursts of yellow sparks exploded from Professor Flora’s fingertips and I jumped back. The sparks grew, extending toward the rock. Or maybe they were coming from the rock. Either way, the bursts of light intensified until a shimmering circle of gold light expanded into an oval shaped portal.

I could see water beyond. Angry gray waves splashing as if caught in the middle of a storm. The scent of salt hung in the air and spray from the ocean landed on my skin.

“What is that?” I asked.

“Where is that is the more appropriate question,” Professor Flora said.

“Where is it?” I asked.

“The Realm of the Sea,” she said. “Some humans call it Atlantis.”

My jaw dropped. “Atlantis?”

The waves crashed, sending a huge surge through the portal. It splashed out onto the floor, soaking my shoes.

“Are you going to close it or will I have to fail you?” Professor Flora called over the sound of the surf.

I blew out a breath and returned myself to the task at hand, trying to clear my mind of the initial shock of the whole thing. Though, I had to admit that hearing her tell me there was a portal to Atlantis brought up a whole lot of questions.

Calling my magic, I focused on the opening in front of me. A familiar sensation bubbled up within me. Rolling through me like a comfortable old friend. My time magic was still there, waiting for me to call it. Though, this time, I wasn’t trying to stop time, I was trying to close a portal. It wasn’t something I even thought of doing until the conversation we just had.

My whole plan had been to destroy whatever the source of the portal was. The rock, in this case. Or disable the individual who was keeping the portal open. I never thought about trying to close it on my own.

Something else joined my time magic, something I didn’t recognize. A seething, dark sort of magic that sparked and popped and sputtered like a burning fuse. It was wild and careless and it wanted out.

Adrenaline coursed through me and I grabbed hold of the new sensation, guiding it through me, letting it mingle with my time magic. This new feeling burned brighter, as if latching on to my time magic.

It felt good. It felt right.

It felt powerful.

As it surged to a peak, I channeled it through my hands, guiding it to the portal. It flowed from me in a stream of blue light, surrounding the portal with an intense brightness that made me turn my eyes away.

As the magic enveloped the portal, it hissed then sizzled. I glanced back, squinting into the light just in time to see my magic swallow the portal whole. The lights went out in the classroom and the emergency light buzzed slightly, casting the room in its odd glow.

Breathless, I lowered my hands and stared up at Professor Flora. Her lips parted and her eyes widened.

She looked honestly surprised. I wasn’t even sure that was possible. She’d always been so difficult to read. So composed.

An electric charge hung in the room, leaving the scent of magic lingering in the air. Professor Flora walked over to me and without a word, she took hold of my hands. “How did you do that?”