“I’m no-one to be trifled with, I’ll tell you that, little liar.”

“Stop calling me that,” I said. I could almost hear the smile in his voice. He was enjoying this. Sick fuck.

“Oh, but you are a liar, dear girl,” he said. “You are not afflicted with the burden of the truth since you are only half fae.”

The words sent a shockwave through me and my whole body tensed. He hadn’t said it, but he didn’t need to say it. I was dealing with a fae. My last encounter with someone from that realm had nearly gotten me killed and I wasn’t keen on repeating any of that. “So, you’re friends with Halifax.”

“No,” he said. “She and I are actually on opposite sides, though I can appreciate her handiwork with you.”

“You do know I’m not going to give you what you want,” I said.

He scoffed. “Why must the young always make things so much harder on themselves?”

“Let me go, asshole,” I said.

“I’ll give you some time to make the right choice,” he said. “I warned you. If you don’t do what I want, your friends will suffer. I’m guessing next time we meet, you’ll be more inclined to assist me.”

“Don’t count on it,” I said.

Something clicked. Something that sounded very much like a lock. Without turning my back on the fae, I grabbed the door handle again and turned. This time, it opened.

I flung open the door. “He’s in here! Come quick!”

With a buzz the lights flickered back to life and I squinted against the unexpected brightness. I never moved from my position in front of the door but when I looked up, there was nobody in the room.

I let go of the door handle and took a step into the study room. It had a long table surrounded by chairs and a white board on the wall. There were no other exits. Just the door I came in through. I squatted down and looked under the table even though I could see that nobody was hiding under it.

I stood and walked in a slow circle around the room, feeling the wells for any seams or signs of hidden doors. It appeared empty.

“Raven!” Ben shouted.

I turned just in time for him to slam into me and pull me into an embrace.

He released me from the hug then held me out at arm’s length. “Are you hurt?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m okay.”

“What happened?” Matt asked as he walked into the study room.

“Was he here?” Luka asked as he joined us.

Zach walked in last, his face ashen. “I was so worried we’d lost you.”

“I’m okay,” I said. “But we’ve got a big problem on our hands.”

“So he was here?” Luka asked.

I nodded. “He knew the book was a fake without even touching it. He also knew all four of you were here and that you’re my mates. And he knew about Halifax.”

“Don’t say it, Raven,” Matt said. “Don’t say this is about some portal again.”

“I don’t think it is,” I said. “I think he really just wants the book.”

“Maybe we should just hand it over,” Zach said.

I shook my head. “We can’t do that.”

“We need to figure out what’s so important about it,” Matt said.