Even though Iknew the wake up was coming, I wasn’t prepared for it. As soon as I felt someone touching my arm, I woke with a start. Through blurry vision I saw Ben glaring down at me.

You do not want to be on the receiving end of Ben’s glare.

“Hey,” I managed as I rubbed my eyes.

“Thought you’d go save the world without us?” Ben asked, his expression still stern.

I sat up and looked over at Luka giving him a glare of my own. “Tattle-tale.”

“Good thing he did,” Ben said. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with. What if this stranger means to harm you? What if this isn’t about the book? What if they want your magic like Professor Halifax did?”

“Right?” Luka agreed. “Did you even consider that it might be someone else who broke into our school? They have a shitty track record for security here.”

I ran my hand through my hair, sure I had major bed head. “Look, he told me he’d hurt my friends if I said anything.”

“So?” Ben asked. “We can take care of ourselves.”

I looked at him. He was wearing a skintight white undershirt that his pecks and shoulders were practically ready to burst through. His strong jaw was tense and his eyes looked dangerous.

He looked like he could take on a monster alone.

“You’re right,” I said. “You can.”

I looked over at my incubus, Luka. He wasn’t in the red satin pajamas anymore but in a black shirt and jeans. You could still see the curve of his lean, muscular shoulders. And I knew exactly how strong he was. “So can you.”

Then I turned back to Ben. “But I still don’t want to put either of you - any of you - at risk.”

“We know,” Luka said. “But we’re in this together, okay?”

I sighed. “Fine. What time is it?”

“Eleven-thirty,” Luka said.

“Alright, well, I didn’t miss it.” I climbed off the bed and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind me without explanation.

I appreciated them coming to my aid, but I really didn’t want to see any of my mates hurt. But Luka made a good point, the same worry I’d had about lack of security at this school. I had no way of knowing if the bad guy was someone from inside our school or a new threat.

Though all of my instincts told me it wasn’t a student. It just didn’t make sense for it to be someone who went to school here. Especially because if I were trying to get something out of another student’s room, I’d probably try to sneak into their room first.

I wasn’t the only one who had found a way to pass a spare key to a friend and we did have magic here. If someone wanted to break into my room, there was probably a way to do it.

Unless that person was staying hidden and not interacting with anyone.

I splashed water on my face and ran a brush through my tangled hair. After a quick change of clothes, I finished getting ready. I paused in front of the door, my hand hovering above the doorknob.

I didn’t want to do this. I wanted to finish school without threats hanging over my head all the time. But it didn’t look like I was going to get what I wanted.

With a sigh, I opened the door. Both Luka and Ben were sitting on my bed and my body heated on instinct as a shiver went straight to my core. Why couldn’t we just stay here and climb in my bed together? That would be a much more fun way to spend the evening.

Ben stood. “Don’t look at us like that.”

Luka grinned as he stood. “Later, kitten.”

I felt my cheeks heat. Was I that obvious? “You two better go first and find a place to sit. I’ll give you a couple of minutes, then I’ll go in with the book.”

Ben growled.

I set my hands on my hips. “Don’t growl at me. You know this is the best option.”

Luka hit Ben lightly. “Come on. Let’s go.”

Ben still didn’t look happy, but he moved toward my door.

“I’m going to be fine. I have all of you looking out for me,” I said.

As soon as they were through the door, my confidence waned. I glanced at the book. How was I going to pull this off?