“How the hell did he even get here?” Matt asked.

“He broke out of the prison,” I said.

“Then we really had no choice,” Zach said. “He would have kept coming.”

“Hey, this is supposed to be a solo test,” a voice called. “Even when they split you all up you find each other.”

I turned and smiled at the familiar voice. “Hey, Violet.”

“You five better split up,” she said. “I’m pretty sure they’ve set some traps for groups that linger together. I passed a couple of kids in a pit back there.”

It was hard to believe that after everything we’d just done, we were still in the middle of the trials.

“You heard her,” Luka said. “Ladies first. Raven, we’ll be right behind you.”

“Good luck,” Violet said. She tugged on one of the doors and it opened without issue. She disappeared behind it, closing it after her.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Matt said. “We’ve got a trials to complete.”

It still didn’t feel right, but I blew out a breath and reached for the door nearest to me. “I’ll see you all at the end.”

“We’ll be there,” Ben said. “All of us.”

I glanced at my mates again, feeling an overwhelming sense of appreciation for all of them. We were about to be thrown head first into our future but I no longer worried about it. I know we’d all end up together.