Ignoring everything else, I walked forward into the darkness, guided only by my intuition, by this new magic that was begging for release.

My fingers brushed over a wall of vines. I set my hand on the foliage and spread my fingers wide. I knew they were there on the other side. I could feel their magic breathing to life through the barrier.

It just needed a little help.

Summoning the new power, I sent it toward them.

A blue light radiated from my hand, moving quickly like lightning until it had illuminated each leaf of each vine. I removed my hand and looked around at my prison.

The whole circular space was glowing and against the opposite wall, stood the shadow fae.

His teeth were bared and he looked like he was ready to fight.

I wasn’t scared anymore.

I didn’t need to look behind me to know they were with me. “Welcome to the fight, boys.”

“We should have known you’d try to have all the fun by yourself,” Zach said.

“We’re not worried about sending him back to jail this time, right?” Luka asked.

“Oh, hell no,” Ben said.

The shadow fae lifted his hands and dropped them, quenching the light I’d created and sending us all into darkness.

Only this time, I didn’t feel my magic fade. Not all of it anyway. The new magic, the magic that called out to my mates was stronger than ever.

I reached for them, my hands easily finding two of theirs. I couldn’t explain what was happening, but the magic inside me was calling to them and theirs was calling to mine.

We were connected as one. The magic inside me bubbled to the surface and spread through me, shooting through my arms into my hands. A bright white light exploded from me and I could see all of us hand in hand.

The shadow fae was in front of us and he turned away from the light, shielding his face.

Letting out a scream, I sent everything I had at him. The light intensified, blinding me so I had to close my eyes.

When it settled, the normal dim light of the trials was around us, the light restored.

A pile of gray ash sat on the ground where the shadow fae had stood. My eyes widened at the sight.

We’d taken him out.

Whatever our magic did together, it was far more powerful than I could have ever imagined.

“What just happened?” I asked.

“We each have a piece of the magic from that book,” Zach said. “I think we found a way to access it together.”

“Shit,” Luka said. “Good thing we didn’t let him have it.”

“Good riddance,” Ben said.

“Is he really gone?” I asked.

Matt walked over to the pile of ash and touched it with his toe. “I don’t think there’s any coming back from this.”

“He did try to kill us, I guess,” I said, guilt swirling inside me.

“Don’t do that to yourself,” Ben said. “He was here to kill you.”