She smiled. “Probably.”

“I’m happy for you,” I said.

“What about you? Going to find a cozy four bedroom house and rotate which room you sleep in?” She elbowed me playfully.

“I’m still trying to figure all of that out,” I said.

A gentle knock sounded on the door and I jumped to my feet, grateful for the distraction. I opened the door, money in hand to pay the delivery guy.

Only, there wasn’t anyone at the door. I looked down, just in time to see the swirls of shadow as they dissipated. An envelope sat on the ground.

I picked it up and opened it quickly, using the door to block myself from Makayla. Of course the note was from the Shadow Fae. And of course, he was reminding me of my deadline.

Only this time, he was also leaving me a more specific threat. The words on the note should have sent fear coursing through my veins. But it didn’t. I was furious.

I crumbled up the note, anger making my face hot.

It’s one thing to threaten me. It’s another thing to threaten my mates or my classmates.

This note was worse than that.

Apparently, if I didn’t get the book to him, he was going to open as many portals to the fae realm as he could and let the monsters in.

If that happened, it wasn’t just going to be a few people who were hurt. Nobody in the school would stand a chance.

Tomorrow, I was going to bind that book with my mates and we were going to end this.

“Where’s the pizza?” Makayla asked. “I’m starving.”

“Wrong room,” I said as I closed the door. “I’m sure it’ll be here any minute.”

I walked back into the room and settled down onto a pillow on the floor. For all I knew, the shadow fae was in the room with us right now. I wasn’t sure if it would be better for him to see me ignoring his threat or if he wanted to see me upset.

“What’s wrong?” Makayla asked.

“Nothing,” I said. “Just worried about a big test I have tomorrow, that’s all.”

“The Spellcasting one?” she asked. “I keep hearing all the mages complaining about it. That new professor sounds intense.”

“She is,” I said, grateful for the subject change. “Hey, did you ever figure out how to get those mice to deliver messages in your class?”

She shook her head. “No, I’m probably going to fail that class. Good thing I don’t see myself ever needing an animal familiar. I mean, who puts a wolf shifter into that class?”

I laughed with her. She wasn’t great with the animals either but she’d been better than me.

Another knock on the door. I raced to it so fast, I nearly knocked Makayla over in the process. This time, it really was the pizza guy.

Relieved, I tipped him extra and took the pie. “Hungry?”

Makayla and I spent the rest of the evening eating and talking. For most of the night, I forgot about tomorrow. Once she left, though, I found myself in my bed awake and wondering if I could actually pull this off.

There was only one way to find out.