
The next twodays were a blur as I went through the motions of getting my classwork done. Even Luka wasn’t his normal cocky self. It was unsettling. But I kept reminding myself that once this was over, we could go back to focusing on normal school stuff.Whatever that meant at the Academy of the Elites. Because let’s face it, I had yet to experiencenormal.

My independent study with Professor Flora was surprisingly helpful as I worked to harness more of my shadow magic. It was an odd skill that I was struggling to find balance with. Having the ability to wield both fire and shadow was going to come in handy for sure. But it was difficult to think too far ahead right now.

Plus, Professor Flora kept reminding me that I still had a test next week over portals. After how harrowing the tests for Matt and Zach had been, I was nervous.

I tried to shake all the nerves free as I walked into the cafeteria for dinner. Fixing a fake smile on my face, I walked over to where Makayla was waiting for me.

“You look like shit,” she said.

“Wow, nice to see you too.”

She laughed. “You need a night off. And you still owe me a girl’s night,” she said.

That was true. While I’d finally caught her up over a series of short conversations about the trials and everything that had happened that night - well, mostly everything - we hadn’t had a chance for our night in yet.

I glanced over at the line waiting for cafeteria food, then looked back at Makayla. “Should we call for pizza?”

Makayla threw her arm over my shoulder. “We should.”

“Hey, Raven, Makayla,” Ben said as he walked toward us.

“Sorry, Ben, I’m stealing your girl away,” Makayla said.

“Impromptu girl’s night,” I said, giving him my cheesiest smile.

He laughed. “Have fun, you two.”

“Thanks,” I said, as Makayla led me away.

After a quick call to the pizza place in town that was run by a family of supernaturals, we settled into my room.

“So, tell me about Remi,” I said. “Any updates?”

Makayla’s face turned bright red. It had been a few weeks since I heard the latest and her blush was a dead giveaway that something new was going on. “Spill.”

“I finally told my parents,” she said. “So I guess that means he’s not just a fling.”

I squealed. “And? What did they say?”

“They’re looking forward to meeting him,” she said. “I was surprised how well they took it, honestly. But I did wait till they got news that my youngest brother just dropped out of high school. So I look great compared to that.”

I laughed. “Is that what siblings are for?”

“Of course! Save your bad news for when one of them screws up worse,” she said. “Want to know the craziest part?”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“My dad wants to interview him for a job,” she said.

“Wow,” I said. “He must think you two are serious.”

She shrugged. “I guess we are.”

“So you’re moving in with him after graduation?” I asked.