“Were you going to tell the rest of us that?” I asked.

“It doesn’t matter right now,” Matt said. “Because now I know why you did it. At first I thought you were trying to drive a wedge between us but that wasn’t it, was it?”

“It is showing unfair favoritism to the group that I’m sponsoring for the trials,” she said. “But I don’t lose.”

“Someone catch me up on this,” Ben said.

“Your weakness is anti-shifting spells and your inability to control your emotions when you’re in your shifted form,” Zach said.

“What?” Ben asked.

“I’m telling you, I studied shifters for weeks and my exam was against you.”

“You left that part out,” I said, suddenly realizing why Zach had been so weird after his test.

“I wasn’t proud of how I reacted,” he said. “But now I know your weaknesses and your strengths. Which means, I can help you get better before the trials.”

“And I suppose that means Matt is supposed to help Luka?” Ben asked.

“There is hope for all of you after all,” Professor Flora said.

“What about Raven?” Ben asked.

“I have to work with Professor Flora,” I said. “Is that what you were getting at?”

She nodded. “Your fae magic is both your weakness and your strength. You have to control it or you’ll do something you regret.”

“Like stopping time?” Zach said.

“Like that,” I agreed. “Or worse.”

I could feel my mates staring at me and I knew they were wondering what my words meant.

“Go ahead,” Professor Flora said.

I nodded then took a deep breath. I’d been practicing the shadow magic in my room but it was still difficult to control. Calling to my magic, I pulled the shadows from the corner of the room toward me. They came to me like smoke, wrapping around my ankles like tendrils of darkness.

“Raven,” Luka said, in awe. “That’s amazing.”

“Turns out, I’m part Shadow Fae,” I said. “I’m still not sure how it can help me, but it’s something I’m working on.”

“How does this connect to portals?” Zach asked. “That was your topic.”

I had no idea. We hadn’t even gotten into portals in my independent study lessons. All of my research for that had been on my own and so far, I didn’t see any connections.

“It doesn’t really,” Professor Flora said. “But portals are her weakness. She can control her time magic now. But until she can fully contain all her fae magic, she’s at risk of doing things she shouldn’t.”

“Are you saying she could accidentally open a portal?” Zach asked.

“Probably not,” she said. “But I know some day she might choose to and she should be able to control it.”

I blinked a few times, startled by her words. That wasn’t what I expected. “So it has nothing to do with the trials?”

“It has everything to do with your heritage, and your choices,” she said. “No fae should be forced to stay in this realm. Even if they are half fae.”

“We saw what that drove Professor Halifax to,” Luka said.

“Do you want to go to the fae realm?” Ben asked.