
Matt didn’t wasteany time getting the bubble up around all of us in our training session with Professor Flora.

“What is the meaning of this?” she asked, raising her hands in the air as if she was going to cast magic.

I rushed to her and grabbed her wrists. “Please, wait. I have something I need to talk to you about.”

“Raven, what the hell is going on?” Ben asked.

“All of you, just give me a minute,” I said.

“Let her talk,” Zach said.

“You two are in on this with her?” Ben said. “Why am I not surprised.”

“First of all,” I said. “I’m over the weird competition going on between the four of you. We were in a good place after the portal disaster. I need all of you. I’m not making exceptions. You four need to get it together.”

My mates stared at me wide eyed.

“Thank you,” I said. Then I turned to Professor Flora. “We’re in here because I need your help and it’s not safe out there for me to talk.”

“He came back?” Ben asked.

“What did he say this time?” Luka asked.

“Who came back?” Professor Flora said. “Raven, explain yourself or I’m breaking this spell. There is no need for me to be part of you and your mates working out whatever is going on between you all.”

“There’s a shadow fae loose in the school and he wants something from me,” I said.

Professor Flora’s eyes narrowed. “Are you certain?”

I nodded. “He’s visited me three times now, asking for a book that used to belong to Professor Halifax. Apparently, it has dark magic that can only be used in the fae realm.”

Professor Flora scrunched up her mouth. She looked annoyed.

“Please, I need help destroying the book. Or making a passable decoy. Something to convince him I have it so we can catch him.”

“Why do you want to catch him?” she asked. “Why not tell Dr. Green. This really isn’t a job for students.”

“Because last time I told someone and he found out, he nearly killed my friend,” I said. “He’s been hiding in the shadows and I’m pretty sure he’s watching me.”

Professor Flora shook her head. “You aren’t skilled enough to catch a shadow fae yet. Maybe with a few more weeks of study, but not now.”

“You know we can bind our magic,” I said, glancing around at my mates. “I think with all of us working together we can stop him. But the book is what I need help with. If it’s as bad as Professor Halifax says, I don’t want it around.”

“She’s not a professor anymore,” Professor Flora said.

“True,” I said. “But that doesn’t make the book any less dangerous.”

“If the book is what I’m thinking it is,” Professor Flora said, “there’s only one way to remove the magic. It can’t be destroyed, though. That’s not possible.”

“Well, how do we remove the magic?” Zach asked.

“You transfer it,” Professor Flora said. “It’s not the book that has the power, the book is likely just a vessel. And the fae who is after it is likely tracking the magic. He’ll know if the book is no longer holding it.”

“So we move it to another object and keep it close by,” Matt said.