“Alright,” she said. “Good luck.”

“Or should it bebreak a legsince it is a performance?” Matt asked with a grin.

“Let’s stick togood luck,” I said.

“See you soon,” Raven said.

I waved to them as they left the class and watched as all of my classmates filed out. It wasn’t long before the Spellcasting amphitheater was empty. And quiet. Far too quiet.

“Mr. Obscura, do you have any final questions before we begin your test?” Professor Flora asked.

“I’m either ready or I’m not,” I said.

She smirked. “That’s true.” She crossed the room to the door and then locked it.

My pulse raced and I tried to tell myself that she wasn’t trying to harm me. This was just a test. She was tough, but she was helping us learn. Besides, Dr. Green trusted her. Though, he had trusted Professor Halifax too.

Fuck.I really hoped she wasn’t going to go all crazy fae on me.

“Mr. Obscura, your topic isshifters. I hope you prepared thoroughly. There are a variety of shifters across all the realms. In fact, some mages can even use magic to shift into other creatures,” she said.

“I spent a lot of time looking into that,” I said. “I even considered trying some of the spells.”

“What kept you from going that route?” she asked.

“The number of poor outcomes I read about,” I said. “I wasn’t willing to be stuck as an animal if I couldn’t pull it off.”

She pursed her lips and stared at me for a few long seconds. “I have a feeling you could pull it off, but I understand not wanting to take the risk.”

“Right, living the rest of my life as a snake or a raven sounds pretty terrible,” I said.

“What about a wolf?” she asked.

“I guess that wouldn’t be as bad, but still not ideal,” I said.

Growling sounded from behind me and I turned to see a huge black wolf baring its teeth at me. I jumped and looked back to Professor Flora, but she was gone.

Shit.Apparently the test had started and I was on my own. With a wolf the size of a small horse.

I took a few steps back, sizing up the creature for possible weakness. It moved toward me with slow, graceful steps. Yellow eyes were locked on me and I knew I was in trouble.

If the beast charged me, I’d have to defend myself and I didn’t want to hurt anyone. But then again, she’d said this was going to be an illusion.

This was a test.

It’s just a test.

“Easy, boy,” I said. It probably wasn’t a good idea to jump straight into attacking a wolf. Especially if the wolf was a shifter. Killing another supernatural was a one-way ticket to jail. So if you ever went hunting, you damn well better be sure you’re not hunting someone you might know.

The wolf’s hackles were raised and it growled at me again, showing its sharp yellow teeth. That jaw could snap me in half.

“Hey, I don’t mean you any harm.” I quickly muttered a calming spell, sending what I hoped was a rush of warmth and comfort toward the angry creature.

It snapped its jaws at me, seemingly more pissed after that. Time to try another tactic.

I’d been working on a forced shifting spell for a while. It wasn’t something that was usually taught and it was very controversial. But it would allow me to force a shifter back into their human form rather than have to harm them.

Quickly, I called my magic. Tiny shockwaves ran through my arms and blue sparks formed on my fingertips. I released the spell, hitting the wolf with everything I had.