“No, I’m not,” I said quickly.

“Still, you have the ability to open portals to the fae realm and news of that is going to get out,” he said.

“I’m not going to open any more portals,” I said. “And the extra time here is just going to help me learn how to use my magic better.”

“There’s something else I want to tell you five. This doesn’t leave this room,” Dr. Green said. Then he looked at Matt and Zach. “Not even your mother can know this.”

I was surprised to hear him say that considering how close he seemed to be with her.

“We won’t say a word,” Matt said.

“Our lips are sealed,” Zach added.

“What is it, Dr. Green?” Luka asked.

“We’ve got a new spellcasting instructor on her way. And like our old one, she’s fae. However, unlike Professor Halifax, she’s only recently crossed into our world from the fae realm. She’s going to be the best chance we have at helping Raven learn her magic,” he said.

“Why are you telling us this?” Ben asked. “We never would have known this on our own.”

“Raven would have figured it out eventually and I don’t want her worried that this is someone intent on hurting her. Or you four jumping in and trying to be the hero over nothing,” Dr. Green said.

I shifted in my chair. He was right. I could see all of us jumping to conclusions after everything we’ve been through.

“Does that mean more private lessons?” I asked.

“Unfortunately, it does,” he said. “For all of you. After all, we now know your magic has bonded and we know Raven can channel it. I’ve read about it, but I never thought I’d see it happen.”

“More magic bonding?” Luka asked. “I like the sound of that.”

I squeezed my thighs together, my body already responding to the overwhelming feeling of being with all four of my mates. When our magic combined, it did something to us that had resulted in several very hot encounters.

The bell rang, pulling me back to the present.

“Go to class,” Dr. Green said. “You’ve still got a trials to pass.”