“And Professor Halifax is locked up,” Matt said.

I hear a low growl and I know Ben isn’t happy with what they’re saying. I turned and set my hand on his arm. “I’m going to be fine. Besides, I have all four of you with me. Who else can say that?”

He cracked a tiny smile. “Fine, but I’m keeping your spare room key.”

“Hey, shouldn’t we all get them?” Matt asks. “Just in case she needs us?”

“Nobody should have a spare room key,” Dr. Green cuts in. “And we should consider moving Raven to the mage dorm.”

“She can move into our room,” Zach said, “we have more than enough room.”

“Yeah, she’ll love sharing that suite when your mom’s in town visiting,” Ben said.

I try to hide my smile. Ben’s right. As long as it’s possible for Ms. Obscura to pop in and make herself comfortable in their room, I was never going to stay there.

“Still, the mage dorm might be a better fit for her,” Dr. Green said.

“I don’t understand why she was in the shifter dorm to begin with,” Zach said.

“It’s underground,” Dr. Green said.

“So?” Zach said.

“If her magic flared,” Ben said. “The shifters might get hurt, but the rest of you would be safe.”

“I’m not proud of it,” Dr. Green said. “But I had to think of the best solution.”

“Seriously?” I said. “This whole shifter hatred thing has to stop.”

“I have nothing against shifters,” Dr. Green said. “It was a matter of safety. There’s less students down there and your magic probably would have been muted by the stone walls.”

“Why didn’t you just lock her up?” Ben asked.

“I’m not the monster, here,” Dr. Green said. “Do you know the strings I had to pull to get her here? To keep her here?”

“Our mom did that,” Zach said.

“There are so many things you don’t know,” he said.

“Then tell us,” I said.

“I’m tired of being in the dark all the time. Don’t I deserve to know?” I asked.

Dr. Green stood and took a few steps, turning away from us. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back.

“Dr. Green, what could possibly be worse than the time thief trying to get to her?” Matt asks.

“We took care of that,” Luka said. “And we can’t protect her if we don’t know what to prepare for.”

“It’s never been about protecting her from the outside world,” Dr. Green said. He turned and locked his eyes on me. “It’s been about protecting the outside world fromher.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“While I figured you were a mage, I never could pinpoint the reason why your magic was so late in showing. Now that we know you’re fae, it makes more sense,” he said.

“You were afraid of me?” The realization was almost amusing. When I first arrived here, I’d been terrified of him.

“She’s not like Professor Halifax,” Zach said.