
The creature screamedinto the darkness, shattering the silence with its cry. I knew that sound. I would recognize it anywhere.

But how the fuck did they get a malacoda here?

The evil serpent like creatures that guarded the depths of hell were notorious for their insatiable appetites and fierceness. They could walk on two legs like men but were four times the size of a normal man. Their claws and the huge spiked tail could slice through most objects, flesh and bone included.

They were carnivores who chewed on the bones of their victims until they devoured the body whole.

These were not the creatures that you should be letting out of hell. They were not to be trusted. How did they pull this off? Did my mom send one here? If she did, what was she playing at? Even she didn’t go near the malacodas unless she had a sacrifice to offer them.

And I was not in the mood to be a sacrifice.

“Raven?” I whispered her name. She had to be close. We all came through the same door. I’d been feeling around in the dark for several minutes, but none of this made sense.

What had they done to the gym to cause this separation between us? What kind of magic had they used? Whatever they did, they blocked our connection and they left no traces of magic in the air.

It was as if we were in a vacuum where magic didn’t exist.

The malacoda screamed again, setting my teeth on edge. That beast made my head hurt just from its cry.

Fuck. We were in trouble.

There was no facing off against one of these beasts. Our only chance was to get past them to the exit.

“Raven?” I attempted again, not wanting to go too far from where we’d come in. I knew I should go, that was our plan. Get to the exit no matter what. But how was I supposed to leave her?

The scent of sulfur and rotten flesh filled my nostrils and though I couldn’t see it, I knew the malacoda was close.

Quietly, I moved away from the smell, arms out in front of me to feel for any obstacles.

As I moved farther away from the monster, I started to feel something. It was faint and fragile, but it was there. The tiny flicker of magic that only Raven could make me feel.

She was close to me, or at least closer than she had been.

Relying on the connection we had, I continued away from the monster, adjusting my direction based on the strength of the magic I could feel.

It thrummed in my chest, calling to me.

She had to be nearby but all I could see was darkness. This was a time for faith. Faith that our connection was stronger than whatever the hell else was in this dark room.

I wished I would have learned more about the creatures that lived in hell. Silently cursing my lack of paying attention in school, I crept through the darkness. What was it about those monsters? Were they the kind that could smell fear? Did they drain magic with a single touch?

I froze, recalling something that explained a whole lot right now.

They absorbed light.

Not just breaking lights, they sucked it in, leaving a black, empty void. Much like the one we were standing in now.

So as long as the creature was alive, we were stuck in the dark. And we had no chance against this beast. Even with weapons, it was a suicide mission.

My only hope was to find Raven and get us the fuck out of here.